

Civil Society Section

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights




Participation by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) 


49th session (11 to 29 July 2011) and

Pre-session for the 51st session (1 to 5 August 2011)

United Nations Headquarters, New York





The Committee will examine the reports of the following eight States parties during its 49th session: Costa Rica, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Italy, Nepal, Republic of Korea, Singapore and Zambia, with respect to the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (the Convention).  




The reports of the eight States parties to be considered at the 49th session, the provisional agenda (CEDAW/C/2011/49/1) and other documents pertaining to the session are available online at: http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cedaw/cedaws49.htm




The 49th session of the Committee will take place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York in room 3 NLB (North Lawn Building). The pre-session working group for the 51st session will also take place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York in room 10 NLB (second floor).




In order to ensure that it is as best informed as is possible, the Committee and the pre-session working group welcome representatives of national and international NGOs to provide country-specific information on issues relevant to the implementation of the Convention by the State parties under consideration. This can be done orally and/or in writing. The Committee encourages international NGOs and United Nations agencies, funds, programmes, and specialized agencies to facilitate attendance at Committee and pre-session working group sessions by representatives of national NGOs.




NGOs wishing to submit reports to the Committee are required to:

· Identify the full name of the NGO;

· Indicate the country to which the information relates;

· Indicate whether or not the submission can be posted on the CEDAW website for public information purposes; and

· Submit the report in pdf format (not Word) by e-mail and thereafter submit 30 copies in hard copy format.


All submissions should arrive two weeks prior to the beginning of the session to the Secretariat of the Committee, i.e., no later than 27 June 2011.  The pdf version of the report should be sent to the following e-mail address: cedaw@ohchr.org.  Hard copy submissions should be mailed to: 


NGO Documents for CEDAW Meeting

c/o OHCHR/Gaynel Curry

One United Nations Plaza, Room 511

New York, NY 10017


NGOs not attending a session are urged to ensure that the requisite number of hard copies of their reports/information reach OHCHR in time for the respective session. Due to the large volume of information received from NGOs and other stakeholders, OHCHR does not photocopy reports received from NGOs.


NGOs can also avail themselves of the support of IWRAW Asia Pacific to submit their alternative reports or information, electronically and/or in hard copy, to the Secretariat. For details and deadlines, please contact IWRAW Asia Pacific:


80-B, Jalan Bangsar

59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Tel: +60 322 822 255

Fax: +60 322 832 552

Email: iwraw-ap@iwraw-ap.org or iwraw_ap@yahoo.com


In regard to the above, it is noted that the Committee has the prerogative to take into account all information submitted to it until the consideration of a report by a State party has been concluded.




NGOs wishing to submit reports to the pre-session working group should follow the same requirements for submission of reports for the session as indicated above.  NGOs should send 10 copies of their reports two weeks prior to the beginning of the pre-session working group, i.e., no later than 18 July 2011. (The pre-session working group prepares lists of issues and questions for the States scheduled to be reviewed two sessions subsequent to the current session.)  The pdf version of the report should be sent to the following e-mail address: cedaw@ohchr.org.  Hard copy submissions should be mailed to: 


NGO Documents for CEDAW Meeting

c/o OHCHR/Gaynel Curry

One United Nations Plaza, Room

New York, NY 10017




The Committee has set aside time at its 49th session for NGOs to provide oral information in respect of countries being considered during the session. These informal meetings are scheduled on 11 July 2011 from 3:00 to 4:30 pm for countries that will be considered the first week, and on 18 July 2011 from 3:00 to 4:00 pm for countries that will be considered the second week. The meetings will take place in room 3 NLB. For the schedule of considerations of State parties' reports, please contact the Secretariat.  


Oral interventions by NGOs must be concise. On average, not more than 10 minutes are allocated for all NGOs wishing to intervene on one particular country. Efforts to share the available time amongst the NGOs wishing to speak on a country are encouraged and appreciated. NGOs making oral interventions should ensure that they bring 35 copies of their oral statements on the morning of the presentation for circulation to the Committee and for interpretation purposes in addition to any reports.  Prior to the presentation, NGOs are requested to send an electronic version of their statements in pdf format to: cedaw@ohchr.org


The pre-session working group also provides an opportunity for NGOs to address it concerning all countries that will be taken up at the 51st session, including Algeria, Brazil, Comoros, Congo, Grenada, Jordan, Norway and Zimbabwe. This informal meeting will take place from 11:30 to 12:30 am in room 10 NLB. The paragraph above relating to the oral interventions by NGOs is applicable to the pre-session working group as well, except that NGOs need only bring 15 copies of their oral statement on the morning of the presentation for circulation to the Committee and for interpretation purposes in addition to any reports.  Prior to the presentation, NGOs are requested to send an electronic version of their statements in pdf format to: cedaw@ohchr.org.




NGO representatives who wish to attend any sessions of the Committee or pre-session working group are required to be duly accredited.  In order to obtain accreditation, all NGOs representatives must fill-out and submit the "Conference Registration Form".  This form must include the full title of their NGO, the name of the representative (as the name appears on the national passport), and the proposed dates of attendance.  The form must be submitted by e-mail to cedaw@ohchr.org no later than a week prior to the beginning of the session, i.e., 4 July 2011, so that arrangements can be made for the issuance of United Nations ground passes to enter United Nations premises. Representatives who submit forms that are illegible, incomplete or after the deadline may not be accredited.


To receive the ground pass, all applicants, in addition to sending the form by e-mail to cedaw@ohchr.org, are required to bring the signed original of the Conference Registration Form, a valid national passport or government issued photo ID bearing a photograph, and appear in person at United Nations Pass and Identification Unit, located at 801 United Nations Plaza at the corner of 1st Avenue and East 45th Street. The office hours are 9.00 am to 4.30 pm, Monday through Friday. Please note that NGO representatives must bring their passports (or government issued photo ID) every time they wish to enter UN premises.


Please note that OHCHR will not provide letters of invitation to NGOs to attend CEDAW sessions for the purposes of obtaining visas.  In addition, OHCHR is unable to assist with travel and/or accommodation costs relating thereto. 




NGOs have access to a separate room for one hour briefing sessions for the Committee during lunch. NGOs wishing to participate in such lunch briefings should contact IWRAW Asia Pacific or may also contact the Secretariat in this regard at cedaw@ohchr.org. NGOs wishing to organize side events must contact the Secretariat at least four weeks in advance of the session at least four weeks in advance of the session indicating the focus of the side event. The secretariat will inform you if it is possible to accommodate your request in light of all requests received as well as the availability of Committee members.




For further information about the treaties bodies in general, specific information on CEDAW and on the participation and role of civil society with respect to human rights instruments, please consult the following links:


· http://www2.ohchr.org; and


· http://www.ohchr.org/EN/AboutUs/Pages/CivilSociety.aspx


CEDAW website: http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cedaw/index.htm

Civil Society Section
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Tel. +41 (0) 22 - 917 - 9656