

Mexico/Spain/Global - Women Working for Women - Exhibition










We women are the oldest marginalized group in human history. Without exception, we have struggled tirelessly to rise above perceived subordination to men. Women in diverse conditions and of diverse origins--many of them forgotten--each struggle from her own plot. She deals with difficulties and sometimes exchanges her life for a common cause: the struggle for equality between women and men. This project is in homage to them all.

Women Working for Women
is a project for public spaces by María María Acha. It creates a women's historic memory through portraits of female personalities who have forged change and fought to improve the situation for their gender. The project gives a visual and narrative memory of this struggle and seeks to raise other women's consciousness about the importance of the struggle for gender parity.

Each portrait is the result of a biography investigation and tells us a story of struggle that has brought important changes to the way we perceive gender and, consequently, to the history of humankind.

The ellaboration of each portrait are made digitally by the artist . The biography investigation and the portraits production continues...

This project had the support of the Mexican National Institute of Women, the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), and the Secretariat of Culture of the Government of Mexico City. And in 2010 the support of
Ministery of Culture of Spanish Government