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Czech Republic - Identification of Trafficked Persons in the Czech Republic:

The Narrow Gateway to Human Rights

Author(s): Petra Kutálková | La Strada Czech Republic

Publisher: 2010, La Strada Czech Republic

Instances of labour exploitation of women, men and children occur on a daily basis in the world. Measures adopted under the policies for preventing and combating trafficking in human beings can provide the means of fighting la­bour exploitation. The present study examines one of the instruments of the above policy that is often invoked, namely the identification of trafficked persons.

This study offers an overview of the international legal framework for com­bating trafficking and a thorough description of the human rights standards related to the identification of trafficked persons. In addition, it also discusses different ap­proaches to the conceptualisation of trafficking in human beings. The study further analyses the problems re­lated to the very construction and application of the definition of the term trafficking in human beings. It also examines the possible interpretations of some of the key topical terms, such as duress and other forms of exploitation.

The second part of the study analyses the institutional arrangements underpinning the policy for preventing and combating trafficking in human beings, while emphasising the role of this policy in the identification of trafficked persons.

The third, practical, part of the study includes the findings of experts meeting to dis­cuss the practical issues in identifying trafficking in human beings and the ways of ad­dressing these. The study also includes accounts of actual experiences of individuals – clients of NGOs who have been positively identified as having been trafficked.

The study concludes with an assessment of the achievement rate in meeting human rights standards in the field of the identification of trafficked persons and by making a se­ries of recommendations for the design and application of measures in the analysed field.