




YWI Sham2


Within women’s movements there is a growing recognition of the critical role that young feminists play in defending women’s rights and of the unique perspectives and strategies for organizing that they bring to the movements they are part of. There is also an increasing understanding of the differential impact of women’s rights violations on younger women.

Strengthening and mobilizing younger activists within women’s movements requires deliberate strategizing, dedication to understanding the experiences of young feminists and a commitment to supporting youth-led initiatives.

AWID’s Young Feminist Activism program aims to contribute to multi-generational movements by amplifying the voices of young women within the movements so that their experiences and ideas are reflected in feminist discourse and activism.


·           Effective multigenerational organizing is taking place within women’s rights activism, strengthening women’s movements now and for the future.

·           Key donor and policy agendas adequately reflect the particular perspectives and needs of young women, and young women are active participants in the design of these agendas.

Activities in 2010:

·           Resource Mobilization for Young Women’s Rights Activism: conduct research and explore options to overcome the specific challenges young women face in mobilizing resources for their activism.

·           Young Arab Feminist Network: institutional support to young feminists in the Middle East and North Africa to set up a network of support and alliance-building.

·           The YFA Hub: online information and networking space for young women across the globe.

·           Building Multigenerational Women’s Movements: Experiences and Examples: a practical resource to assist organizations incorporate multigenerational ways of working into their activities and strategies.

·           Multigenerational Strategies to Challenge and Resist Religious Fundamentalisms: working with the Resisting and Challenging Religious Fundamentalisms initiative, publish a report that documents the ways in which religious fundamentalisms target youth and young women, and highlights the ways in which building alliances across generations strengthens women’s rights strategies in this area.

·           Young Women’s Dialogue on Resource Mobilization in Central and Eastern Europe: a Young Women’s Dialogue at a regional meeting in Central and Eastern Europe, collaborating with AWID’s Where is the Money for Women’s Rights? initiative

·           Young Women and Girls in Development: generate research and discussion on aid and development strategies focused on young women and girls.

Project Team

Nadine Moawad - Program Coordinator
Ghadeer Malek - Program Assistant
Sanushka Mudaliar - Manager