

Women for Women International

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Send Questionnaire & Information Requests, By August 6, 2010

To: Ceri Hayes - cerihayes@gmail.com

Questionnaire Also Available In French.



Questionnaire on lessons learned, progress & challenges to achieve the gender goals in conflict-affected countries




This questionnaire is designed to gather information from organisations for the preparation of a research paper that will examine the nexus between gender, conflict and development. Specifically, the paper will explore the measures required to make progress on the gender equality commitments and targets in the MDGs in conflict-affected countries, with a particular focus on Sudan, Afghanistan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It will include recommendations to DFID and the UK government on ways in which it can support progress on gender equality goals in these contexts.


All of the 8 MDGs have gender dimensions. This paper is concerned with the specific commitments and targets in the MDGs with direct and indirect implications for gender equality. This includes:


·         Eradication of gender disparities at all levels of education, with special emphasis on primary levels of education and literacy among young people

·         Expansion of women’s share of waged employment in the non-agricultural sector

·         Full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people, as a target under MDG 1

·         Improvements in maternal health through improved access to contraception, maternal health services and HIV-AIDS prevention

·         Universal access to reproductive health as a target under MDG 5 (improving maternal health)

·         Universal access to treatment for HIV/AIDS for all who need it’ under MDG 6

·         Increase in the proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments




For all questions, respondents are asked to provide as much detail as possible, including supporting data and full information about interventions (such as number of beneficiaries of a project, when the activities were carried out, any unintended consequences etc) wherever possible to supplement their response. If there is information already written about a related project or intervention, please send the document or link to the document.


Please send your responses in either English or French by 6th August 2010 latest to Ceri Hayes: cerihayes@gmail.com 


THANK YOU! Your input is really valued and will be credited in the final research paper. We will send you a copy of the paper when it is finalised.




Your organisation


Please provide below a short summary of your organisation’s work, including where you work (which country, urban or rural area, size of organisation etc), who are the main beneficiaries, a brief outline of the services and interventions you provide.




Gender & the MDGs: country context


1.      Does your country have a national MDG implementation plan? If so: does this plan integrate commitments set out in key gender equality and women’s rights instruments, including Beijing Platform for Action, CEDAW and the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and in national development plans?






2.      On which MDGs has there been most progress in your country and why? Have men and women benefited equally from these gains?







3.      Which specific gender equality goals and targets in your country have seen most progress and why? Please refer back to the goals and targets listed on page 1. For each target please provide information about the following measures of progress, wherever possible:


·        Adoption or reform of legislation

·        Better services for women (e.g reproductive health, education)

·        Improved security

·        Increased access to justice

·        Positive changes in societal attitudes towards women and their role









4.      Which groups have been most excluded from the benefits of any progress on the gender equality targets in your country?: 


·        Women-headed households

·        Remote communities

·        Ethnic or religious minorities or indigenous groups

·        Disabled

·        Girls/adolescents

·        Other (please state)







5.      In which areas related to gender equality has there been least progress? (Please refer to the list of MDG commitments on page 1).








6.      What are the main obstacles to achieving progress on gender equality commitments and targets in the MDGs (as listed on page 1) in your country? (Please rank these in descending order of importance, with 1 being the biggest challenge).









Conflict, Gender & the MDGs


7.      In what ways does conflict hinder progress on gender equality in your country, particularly at local level? Please rank in descending order of impact on gender equality with 1 being the greatest impact. Please also give examples wherever possible.


·        Marginalisation of women’s concerns and voices

·        Increased sexual and gender-based violence

·        Reduced access to basic resources such as food and water

·        Internal displacement disproportionally affecting women and girls

·        Loss of income from destruction of livelihoods

·        Forced recruitment into militias

·        Absence of basic health and other social services

·        Other (please state)









8.      What do women articulate as the key security-related issues they face at community level?








9.      How widespread is gender-based violence (GBV) in your country? Please provide national/local statistics if possible.








10. What measures, if any, are in place to address GBV as part of national or local MDG plans, development plans, poverty reduction strategies etc? If none, what measures would you like to see put in place?









11. What other measures, if any, are necessary, to address the issue of GBV at local and/or national level?


·        Improved access to justice

·        Changes in legislation

·        Training for police, judiciary, peace-keepers

·        Improved co-ordination amongst frontline service-providers such as health clinics, judiciary, police

·        Informal justice mechanisms

·        Awareness-raising in communities

·        Other (please state)








12. What resources do women say they most need access to (please prioritise in descending order of importance with 1 being the most important) in your country:


·        Education

·        Water

·        Fuel

·        Health

·        Food

·        Land

·        Housing

·        Credit

·        Affordable contraception

·        Other (please state)



13. What are the obstacles to increasing their access to these resources? Again, please rank these by listing the obstacles in descending order of impact, with the biggest obstacles being ranked as 1. Please give tangible examples where possible.


·        Physical

·        Cultural

·        Economic

·        Social

·        Political

·        Legal



14. Can you name any infrastructure investments/improvements provided by the state or other agencies at national or local level that have directly improved women’s access to services or resources? Please give details. If so, were women able to participate in the design and provision of this infrastructure? 



15. Please provide detailed examples of how women in conflict-affected communities in your country are participating in development and peace-building processes at community and/or national level. In each case please explain:


·      The obstacles they encountered

·      The enabling factors

·      The impact of the intervention or project

·      How they adapted these interventions to respond to and offset the specific challenges of conflict e.g restricted mobility due to fear of abduction or sexual violence.


We are specifically interested in examples of:


A.     Women as advocates (for example, how is their voice being heard in decision-making processes, such as formal and informal peace-building processes)



B.     Women as watchdogs (for example, monitoring political processes at local/national level, implementation of peace accords, development plans, legislation, promoting gender-budgets to monitor how public resources are allocated and spent etc)



C.    Women as development actors (for example, participating in or leading the delivery of aid and community development projects around increasing women’s access to land, to labour markets, to reproductive health, to income-generation)




Role of the international community


16. What support do you think DFID and other donors should provide to accelerate progress on the gender equality goals and indicators specifically in conflict-affected countries? Which of these interventions do you think is the most important?


·        Support development and implementation of National Action Plans on UN Security Council Resolutions 1325 (women, peace & security) and 1820 (sexual violence in conflict)

·        Support governments to develop and implement gender-responsive budgeting

·        Increase funding provided directly to NGOs and particularly women’s organisations to increase the attention they pay to gender perspectives in their work to accelerate progress on MDGs in conflict-affected countries

·        Take a lead in encouraging development partners

·        Other (please state)






17. How should their approach differ to the support they give for countries that are not affected by conflict?





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