

Bahrain Women Association

  for Human Development





" Women: A New Paradigm" is a project considered as a continuation of the former conference titled “ Advancement of Women, a Humanistic Perspective” which was organized by the Bahrain Women Association for Human Development in November 2007 . This conference provided new dimensions to the role of women in life as ”God’s Caliph on Earth” focusing on her humanistic role and introducing a regenerative understanding for some traditions and misconceptions in relation to the position and role of women in Islamic Societies. During the former conference which began with a symbolic play entitled (Trail of the history), BWA managed to highlight the injustice and violence against women being practised in our Arab and Islamic societies through out history. This was through misquoted religious or traditional texts like “Women are deficient in brain and religion” or “Those who are lead by a woman shall never thrive”. The conference managed to refute those allegations by valid and strong arguments based on logical analysis and supported by verses from the Holy Quran. The symbolic play and the new concepts discussed during the conference had great impact noticed clearly by the positive interaction of the audience and the wide media coverage, as well as through the successes stories that emerged and reported after the conference. 


In the context of the former successful conference, Bahrain Women Association has decided to build upon and complement on the progress done and initiated in 2009, the “An Innovated Prospective to Women” project. This project will focus on the conflicting issues of women and family to help resolve the situation that leads to misunderstanding of the women status, their freedom , eligibility and efficiency to carry out their humanistic roles. This will tend to reach an innovative understanding to such issues and aid in restoring the rights of all women. Effectively, the project will contribute to form a strong cultural ground to promote and activate the application CEDAW convention provisions and the adoption of laws and legislations that would reduce the violence against women. The up scaling of the project will target a large group of all parties involved in the cycle of concepts changing, laws initiating and stopping all forms of violence against women.   


Problem Analysis

Women’s issues diversified and varied deepening the differences between the doctrine and legislations, and continue to keep wavering back-and-forth between women's rights activists and those pretending to be so without achieving a significant advancement.  Doctrinal rigidity due the minor understanding or misinterpretation of the Holy Quran texts created problems in various situations related to women like: violence against women, unfair inheritance, woman's testimony is half of a man's in all matters, the dilemma of divorce, problems of custody, alimony, marriage issues, polygamy and many other injustice practices leading to the loss of women rights. Violence against woman continues to be exercised under the guise of law and religion. This erroneous perception became a common social culture affecting the role and status of women in the community. This is in addition to laws and legislations that emerge as a result of such culture which is filled with false religious beliefs. A clear example is that women are subjected to humiliation and blackmail in Islamic courts due to wrong implementation of the legislative text by the judges of predominately masculine point of view. Moreover, full dependence on personal diligence with absence of written well-known documented laws worsens the situation. This clearly explains why women consider psychological abuse and humiliation sometimes even more devastating than physical violence .



The overall goals to be achieved are as follows:

-        Review the existing concerns on women’s status and her eligibility to carry out her humanistic role.

-        Present and discuss the innovative doctrinal viewpoints regarding women and family.

-        Highlight some of the factual current issues that act as barriers facing women in achieving their human rights.

The project will devise innovative solutions   in some of the pressing women’s issues and topics that are controversial and has a direct impact on her role in life.  The innovative concepts and solutions which will be emerge from this project for many of the current issues and problems concerning women’s role and status will enlighten the community and contribute in building a culture that can act as an important stimulant to make a change in the existing unjust laws and legislations on women.

In addition, it will aid to the issuance of laws to incriminate violence in all its forms as a result of termination of the cultural and religious.



The project  aims to perform four seminars, each includes several sessions to raise and discuss the following topics:

-First seminar, slogan :“Combating violence against women”, topics to be discussed  are: insubordination, custody, woman beating, and women obedience to her husband.

-Second seminar, slogan:”women and men….discrimination or justice”, topics to be discussed: custodianship, inheritance and Women testimony.

-Third seminar , slogan :“Retained in honour or released in kindness” topics to be discussed are: Alimony, housing and custody.

-Fourth seminar, slogan : “Towards Successful Family Partnership” topics to be discussed are: minimum marriage age and polygamy.


Expected Results

- Disapproving and correcting the problematic issues and the wrong cultural perception on the role and status of women in society.

- Initiating a multidimensional outcome (cultural, doctrinal, and legal) to resolve many of the pending issues related to women in particular and family in general.

- Resolving the issues regarding the reserved items of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women ( CEDAW ).This shall contribute to the mobilize all segments of the community demanding the activation of the terms of the agreement.

- Activate the terms of the CEDAW agreement approved by the Kingdom of Bahrain to advance women’s current situation and develop her role in society..

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