






5 May 2010

Richard M Kavuma, Senior Staff Writer, Weekly

Observer Newspaper - Kampala, Uganda


The fact that women need their husbands' permission to participate in development schemes, such as the village savings and loans associations in Katine, is a reminder of how much work still needs to be done to change attitudes


Katine women blog pic

Women in Katine still need permission from their husbands to take part in development projects. Photograph: Spencer Platt/Getty

Mary (not her real name) has been one of the leading lights of the Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs) initiative in Katine. She was one of a first women to take charge of a group when they were first introduced into the sub-county, by Care International and local NGO the Uganda Women's Efforts to Save Orphans (Uweso), the as part of the Katine project, in 2008, and has steered her group with admirable vigour. Her VSLA saved up to $5,000 in its first year and there seemed only one way to go – up.

Then things started to fall apart – from the top. Mary's husband complained that she was spending too much time doing VSLA work. Then he claimed he had information she was having an affair with one of the group members. Moreover, she had gone ahead and opted to take injectable contraception, something he had previously opposed.

The husband's reaction was violent. He severely beat Mary and ordered her to quit the VSLA altogether. The group members were devastated. They became suspicious of each other over who may have spread the rumours that they held were untrue. Savings declined dramatically and it looked as though the group would collapse.

Now, however, Amref project staff have mediated between Mary and her husband. After listening to the mediator and the group member suspected of having the affair, the husband said he realised that the rumour was probably untrue and that he had overreacted. He has since allowed his wife to continue with the VSLA leadership work.

"We are trying to get the members saving again, but it is a struggle," an Amref officer told me. "The group's morale has been badly affected."

The case of Mary is a stark reminder of the challenges facing women who try to play their role in the development of their families and communities.

The fact that women need their husbands' permission to participate in a scheme like a VSLA that will eventually help bring more food and other basic necessities into the home is a telling reminder of how much work there is still to do to change attitudes.

Over the years, the argument has been that taking and keeping girls in school would help their future health and improve their families' welfare. Initially, this seems true, when you look at Mary's life. An O-level drop-out, Mary is one of the better educated and progressive women in her village and the sub-county. And when I first visited her there was a modest sense of prosperity about her home.

Encountering problems

But with her passionate pursuit of her VSLA work and her belief in family planning, she encountered problems. My understanding of the dynamics of the situation is that the husband relented because of the mediation and the pressure of group members. But that doesn't mean he is happy, so it is doubtful that Mary will feel she can relax and get on with her work in peace.

In Katine I have heard tales of some women working in their gardens without any support from their husbands, selling the produce and then being forced to surrender the money to their husbands. Consequently, some of the women who borrow money from the VSLA have resorted to doing business secretly, without telling their husbands, for fear that the capital may be taken and, as a result, they fall behind in loan repayments.

A social worker from Katine who has worked with VSLAs lamented to me that some local leaders are among the men who beat up their wives over involvement in money generating activities. She says one member of a local council once beat his wife so badly she needed an ambulance to take her to the local health centre and was unconscious for five hours.

"Many of these gentlemen claim that when their wives start getting money from the VSLAs they start 'getting the neck out', meaning that they no longer respect their husbands," the social worker told me. Other men resent it when their wives buy goats or new clothes once they start earning some money.

What this suggests is that as much effort – or even more – needs to be given to speaking to the men about women's empowerment. I think the development community needs to do more to push for society's recognition of women's role and place in the development process and decision making at home and in society.

While many women are embracing the opportunities now on offer, key obstacles remain in a traditional patriarchal order, for which men are fairly rigid custodians. In the Sabiny community in eastern Uganda, for example, a lot of attention was paid to educating girls as a way of fighting the practice of female genital mutilation. But many uncircumcised women, once they get married, are forced to undergo the ritual to fit in their new community.

Interestingly, last year Uganda enacted legislation against both domestic violence and female circumcision. Yet implementation is likely to remain a major bottleneck, especially in rural communities, where societal cohesion and harmony often override the impersonal, costly criminal justice system. In Mary's case, her husband's attack never made it to the local police station and neither do many cases of violence against women, including defilement.

NGOs certainly appear to be easier to approach than formal criminal justice systems for the average person in Katine. So, can the development community find creative ways to promote women's issues in rural communities without making the men feel emasculated?

In one VSLA in Katine, it struck me that while more than half the savers were women, they held none of the group's official leadership positions. Could Amref and Uweso have insisted that a certain number of the significant positions should be occupied by women? Or should the VSLA methodology demand that married couples join the group together, to avoid any false rumours being spread? Or should rural development projects have a separate component to promote gender dialogue?

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