

SOMALIA - This 62-page report finds that al-Shabaab forces have brought greater stability to many areas in southern Somalia, but at a high cost for the local population - especially women.


Direct Link to Human Rights Watch Somalia Report:



Website: http://www.hrw.org/en/reports/2010/04/19/harsh-war-harsh-peace


Harsh War, Harsh Peace
Abuses by al-Shabaab, the Transitional Federal Government, and AMISOM in Somalia

April 19, 2010

"Freedoms women took for granted in traditional Somali culture have been dramatically rolled back. In many areas, women have been barred from engaging in any activity that leads them to mix with men - even small-scale commercial enterprises that many of them depend on for a living. Al-Shabaab authroities have arrested, threatened, or whipped countless women for trying to support their families by selling cups of tea".....

"In many areas, al-Shabaab offficials require women to wear a particularly heavy type of abaya, a traditional form of Islamic dress that covers everything but the face, hands, and feet. Women who fail to do so are often arrested, publicly flogged, or both. Human Rights Watch interviewed one woman who was publicly whipped and then locked in a shipping container for racing out of her home without her abaya in pursuit of a toddler who had wandered into the street"......

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