


Website: http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cedaw/index.htm 

From February 2010 - 43 Page Document - Results of the 44th and 45th CEDAW Sessions - E/CN.6/2010/CRP.2


1. New Followup procedure adopted by the Committee  

Page 7:   "Follow-up procedure

13. At its forty-first session, the Committee decided to introduce a follow-up procedure whereby it would include a request to individual States parties in the concluding observations on their reports for information on steps taken to implement specific recommendations contained in those concluding observations. The request would call on States parties to provide such information to the Committee within two years. The Committee decided to assess the experience of its follow-up procedure in 2011.

14. At its forty-fourth session, the Committee appointed a rapporteur on follow-up to concluding observations and an alternate: Dubravka Simonovic and Barbara Bailey respectively. The follow-up rapporteur should report to the Committee at each session.

15. At its forty-fifth session, the Committee adopted a methodology to assess States parties reports received under its follow-up procedure(Decision 45/II). At its forty-fifth session, the Committee also adopted the report presented by the Rapporteur on follow-up. "

In their latest statement on the role of NGOs, the Committee has also elaborated on the role of NGOs in this followup process: "...11. The Committee adopted a follow-up procedure to its concluding observations at its forty-first session and decided on its methodology at its forty-fifth session, whereby a State party is requested to submit information within one or two years on action taken to implement the recommendations selected under the follow up procedure. Usually two recommendations are selected for the procedure. NGOs are encouraged to submit alternative information for the attention of the Committee by the same deadline as the State party. All information received under this procedure is made available on the Committee’s website." http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cedaw/docs/statements/NGO.pdf


2. Drafting General Recomendations (see pages 4-6 of Results of the 44th and 45th Sessions of the CEDAW Committee E/CN.6/2010/CRP.2)


a. General recommendation on article 2


The Committee is looking to discuss a revised draft at the next session with a view to finalising it in the 47th session.


Link to CEDAW Convention & Including Article 2:



b. General Recommendation on older women


The Committee is looking to discuss a revised draft at the next session with a view to finalising it at the same session.


c. General recommendation on the economic consequences of marriage and its dissolution


The Committee asked for a revised draft for discussion at the 46th session with a view to adoption at the 47th session.


3. New Working groups


Two new Working groups were maintained  -  Joint CEDAW/CRC WG and WG on women of concern to UNHCR.


4. State Reports asked to adhere to new format for states report (of core document and treaty specific document) under harmonised guidelines (Decision 45/I)


States were asked to use the new format for state reports which includes the core document with a page limit of 60-80 pages) and the treaty specific (CEDAW specific) document of a limit of 60 pages.



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