

Overview on UN Universal Periodic Review - UPR - Process:



CONGO UPR - http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/UPR/PAGES/CGSession5.aspx


IMPORTANT: FIRST CLICK to Website Link to Access Subsite References.


Link to the Congo Report of the UN UPR Working Group in English:



Gender Component Excerpts are noted in the second part of this WUNRN release.


UN Universal Periodic Review - Congo

Only contributions submitted in one of the United Nations official languages are admissible and posted on this webpage

Date of consideration: Wednesday 6 May 2009





National report 1 :

 A | C | E | F | R | S



 Compilation of UN information 2 :

 A | C | E | F | R | S



Summary of stakeholders' information 3 :

 A | C | E | F | R | S



Questions submitted in advance




Outcome of the review   :


Report of the Working group   :

 A | C | E | F | R | S

Addendum 1   :

 A | C | E | F | R | S

Related webcast archives




Gender Component Excerpts of


 2. Consider accelerating the ratification of all human rights

     treaties to which Congo is not yet a party....as the

     CEDAW Optional Protocol.


16.Consider non-custodial measures for offenders,

     particularly for women, as a means of reducing

     overcrowding in prisons and the pressure on

     reintegration efforts.


17.Reinforce women's rights in the labour market.


18.Adopt measures to combat attitudes and persistent

    stereotypes concerning the role and responsibilities of

    women in society; increase efforts, especially

    educational and public awareness measures, to

    improve the realization of women's rights.


20.Take all appropriate measures to eliminate all forms of

     discrimination against women, in particular with respect

     to property, the sharing and inheritance of land, and

     access to education, the labour market, and political

     life. Introduce legislation that eliminates discrimination in

     ownership, co-sharing and inheritance of land, protects

     victims of sexual violence, criminalizes marital rape, and

     gives women equal rights in marriage and pre-marriage.


23.Continue implementing measures to handle the problem

     of violence against women and combat impunity in this

     regard. Take further steps to address discrimination

     against women and vulnerable groups, including children,

     persons belonging to minorities, and indigenous people.


24.Adopt laws prohibiting female genital mutilation and take

     focused measures to ensure that such practices are

     dropped as a result of broader awareness-raising



25.Adopt legislation prohibiting practices of violence

    affecting Congolese women in line with CEDAW......


28.Improve procedures aimed at raising the percentage of

    children registered at birth.


29.Make further efforts to combat violence and sexual

    abuses against children for the effective realization of

    their rights.


31.Reinforce national legislation prohibiting trafficking in

    persons, in particular children........


32.Finalize and enact the draft law prohibiting all forms of

     trafficking and develop formal procedures for identifying

     trafficking victims among vulnerable populations such as

     females in prostitution, street children and Pygmies, and

     train police and social workers to implement these



38.Continue to invest in education, giving special attention

     to women and girls.


41.Further invest in obstetric clinics and in the formation of

    skilled birth attendants.


42.Continue efforts in the area of the promotion of gender

     equality and of the health of the mother and the girl child.

Flag of Congo 

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