Violence Against Women Monitor - September 2009



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Stop Violence Against Women Website


The Violence Against Women Monitor

A publication of The Advocates for Human Rights


September 2009


STOPVAW Website News



International and Regional News


National News


New Research

and Reports


Expert’s Corner: Protecting the Privacy of Sexual Assault Victims: Evidence of Prior Sexual Conduct


Increasing Cases of Femicide in Latin America Gaining Attention


UNFPA Releases Report on Female Genital Mutilation

New StopVAW pages: Violence Against Women and HIV/AIDS



CEDAW Committee Announces States to Be Reviewed at the 47th Session


Toolkit Developed for African Victims of Domestic Violence in Ireland

Updated StopVAW page:  Stalking




UN Secretary-General Demands an End to Sexual Violence in Conflict Areas


Secretary General Releases Report on Sexual Violence in Conflict Areas

Updated StopVAW pages:  Serbia Country Pages




Communication Procedure and Deadline for the Commission on the Status of Women Announced











































 South Africa

















 United States



National VAW Monitors who contributed to this month’s newsletter include: Serbia and Slovakia .





STOPVAW Website News

Expert’s Corner

Protecting the Privacy of Sexual Assault Victims: Evidence of Prior Sexual Conduct (More information)

New StopVAW Pages:

As of August, 2009, in the Global Gender Issues section, new pages on Violence Against Women and HIV/AIDS have been created. (More information)

Updated StopVAW Page:

As of August 14, 2009, in the Domestic Violence section, the page on Stalking has been updated. (More information)

Updated StopVAW Pages:

As of August 7, 2009, the Serbia Country Pages have been updated. (More information)






International and Regional News

Increasing Cases of Femicide in Latin America Gaining Attention

Femicide, the murder of women because they are women, is a growing problem that threatens the lives and rights of women around the world. Hundreds of women in Guatemala and Mexico have been killed over the past few years. (More information)

CEDAW Committee Announces States to Be Reviewed at the 47th Session

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights recently announced that the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women will review certain countries for implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women at the 47th session of the Committee (More information)

UN Secretary-General Demands an End to Sexual Violence in Conflict Areas

On August 7, 2009, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, demanded an international effort to stop armed groups from using sexual violence as a means to further their political, social, and economic agendas. (More information)

Communication Procedure and Deadline for the Commission on the Status of Women Announced

As part of its annual program of work, the Commission on the Status of Women of the Division for the Advancement of Women at the U.N. is receiving communications related to alleged violations of human rights that affect the status of women in any country in the world. (More information)





National News


·          Restrictive Law Goes into Effect in Afghanistan (More information)


·          Studies Show High Rate of Teenage Pregnancy and Marriage in Bangladesh (More information)


·          Study Published on Violence Against Women with Disabilities in Belgium (More information)


·          Guatemala's Femicide Law: 2009 Monitoring Report (More information)


·          Spike in Sexual Violence Against Women in Haiti (More information)


·          Report Indicates That Teenage Marriage and Pregnancy Are Still Common in India (More information)


·          Activists Criticize Mexico's Response to Violence Against Women in Juarez and Mexico State (More information)


·          Pakistani National Assembly Passes Domestic Violence Bill (More information)


·          Ministry of Justice Proposes Several Amendments Concerning Legal Aid and Domestic Violence (More information)

 South Africa

·          Change in South African Law Improves Protection for Muslim Women in Polygynous Marriages (More information)


·          Sudan: African Union and United Nations Establish Special Unit to Investigate Gender-Based Violence in Darfur (More information) Syria

·          Syria: Change in Penal Code Addressing Honor Killings (More information)

 United States

·          Ruling Offers a New Protection to Victims of Assault in Minnesota (USA) (More information)





New Research and Reports

UNFPA Releases Report on Female Genital Mutilation

The United Nations Population Fund recently released a report on the prevalence of female genital mutilation (FGM).  The report analyzes shifting global patterns of FGM and methods used to eliminate its occurrence. (More information)

Toolkit Developed for African Victims of Domestic Violence in Ireland

AkiDwa has developed a toolkit to aid African victims of domestic violence in Ireland (More information)

Secretary General Releases Report on Sexual Violence in Conflict Areas

On July 15, 2009, the Secretary-General of the United Nations published a report detailing situations involving the systematic use of sexual violence against civilians in conflict areas, as well as recommendations to halt such atrocities. (More information)





Subscribe to The VAW Monitor

The VAW Monitor is a free, monthly newsletter sent out on the first of each month. Printable versions of The VAW Monitor are also available on the website at


To subscribe to The VAW Monitor, please fill out the form provided at








The Stop Violence Against Women website (STOPVAW) is a forum for information, advocacy and change.  The Advocates for Human Rights developed this website as a tool for the promotion of women's human rights in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and the former Soviet Union (FSU), Mongolia, and the U.N. Protectorate of Kosovo.  STOPVAW was developed with support from and in consultation with the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) and the Open Society Institute's Network Women's Program. This site addresses violence against women as one of the most pervasive human rights abuses worldwide. STOPVAW provides women's rights advocates with information and advocacy tools focused on ending the most endemic forms of violence against women in the region, including domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment and trafficking in persons.


Current staff members of The Advocates for Human Rights involved with the development of STOPVAW include, Mary Ellingen, Mary Ellison, Mary Hunt, Beatriz Menanteau, Rosalyn Park, Robin Phillips, and Cheryl Thomas. Current interns and volunteers include Sarah Goodell, Jamie Kastler, and Christina Quick.


For more information about STOPVAW, please contact the Website Administrator at










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