




From Wikigender.org

Wikigender is a project initiated by the OECD Development Centre to facilitate the exchange and improve the knowledge on gender-related issues around the world. A particular focus lies on gathering empirical evidence and identifying adequate statistics to measure gender equality. In this respect, Wikigender serves as a pilot project for the OECD Global Project on Measuring the Progress of Societies. Based on the work of the OECD Gender, Institutions and Development Data Base, Wikigender aims to highlight the importance of social institutions such as norms, traditions and cultural practices that impact on women's empowerment.








*                                  1 Open Access Policy

*                                  2 Quality Control

*                                  3 Project Team

*                                  4 Partners

*                                  5 Wikigender Launch

*                                  6 Wikigender in the Press

*                                  7 Notes

Open Access Policy

Wikigender is open to everyone. You can access all resources provided on this website and use its contents for your own personal needs, be it a research project on gender equality or simply your own interest in finding out more about this topic.

In order to improve the information on this site, we invite your active participation: either by providing comments and suggestions, or by contributing new articles. We particularly encourage you to browse through the wanted pages section that contains articles that still need to be written. More information on how to discuss or edit articles can be found in our Frequently Asked Questions, including how to create an account.

If you decide to contribute to this project, we kindly ask you to follow a set of Policies and Conventions. Please do not infringe copyright. Wikigender uses the GNU Free Documentation License. Everything you contribute must be compatible with that license.

Quality Control

Websites based on “wiki” technology invite the public to modify the content displayed on the pages. It is therefore important to have mechanisms in place that ensure high quality of information. Wikigender has implemented several of these mechanisms and created an effective quality control system.

Project Team


Wikigender is managed1 by a small team of gender experts at the OECD Development Centre, Paris.

                   Project manager: Denis Drechsler

                   Senior advisor: Johannes Jütting

                   Editorial development: Estelle Loiseau, Keiko Nowacka, Olivier Puech

                   Technical assistance: Marine Rebuffel-Amselek, Ralf Schukay, Espen Prydz


Wikigender is open to collaborate in the maintenance of the site with other organisations and initiatives. We look forward to welcoming new partners seeking to join this project. Our aim is to build an active community that uses and regularly updates this website. Inivited partners include other international organisations, NGOs and research institutes. We particularly look forward to welcoming partners from the developing world. Contact us at contact@wikigender.org

Access the list of current partners.

Wikigender Launch

Wikigender was officially presented on the occasion of International Women's Day on 7 March 2008 in the presence of the Chief Statistician of the OECD, the Deputy Chief of Staff of the OECD, the Chilean Ambassador to the OECD and the OECD Wikigender team. On 20 November 2008, Wikigender 2.0 was presented during a workshop in Stockholm - the new website is now available at http://new.wikigender.org.

Wikigender in the Press

Since its launch on 7 March 2008, Wikigender has been covered extensively in the international press, Internet blogs and radio interviews. Click here to see a selection of articles.

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