


Support Slovak Women In Their Struggle Against Violence

We are addressing you with a plea to support Slovak NGOs who have submitted a joint public comment on the proposed National Action Plan for Prevention and Elimination of Violence against Women for years 2009-2012 (NAP) drafted by the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic.

The NGOs consider the draft in its current version an inadequate framework for tackling the issue of violence against women effectively and have therefore proposed more than 40 changes in order to achieve its improvement. More than 1,300 Slovak citizens have supported the joint public comment so far.

NGOs filed the public comment with a view to achieving incorporation of important changes, which could bring about long-term and comprehensive solutions, into the document. Among other things, the NGOs propose amendment of the Police Forces Act that would prolong the current 48-hour period, which the police is authorized to expel the violent person from the shared home for.

The lack of specific support services for women experiencing violence is yet another serious problem. This fact is not sufficiently reflected in the proposed NAP. The NGOs therefore propose a number of practical measures to ensure specific support services for women experiencing violence and their sufficient funding. The NGOs also consider it necessary to make free-of-charge legal counselling available to women experiencing violence and to address the fact that women experiencing violence are often exposed to poverty as a consequence of violence more consistently.

The NGOs comments also aim to improve the support services via training of all relevant professions (the police, social workers, physicians, psychologists, etc.). Insufficient knowledge of these professionals on violence against women then results in situations when, instead of support, women face rejection and misunderstanding.

Adequate prevention is also crucial for tackling the issue of violence effectively. Prevention must be accompanied by active and responsible participation of the media. However, the media often depict violence against women insensitively and spread a lot of gender stereotypes about masculinity and feminity. Therefore, the NGOs propose legislative changes in order to achieve that the media have an obligation to promote zero tolerance of violence and gender equality principles.

All the NGOs’ comments reflect the international standards for protection of women’s human rights and the general human rights principles. Even though the NGOs submitted their proposals to the Ministry in the early stages of drafting this strategic document, most of them have not been taken into consideration. The NGOs believe that, by accepting the comments, the Ministry will send a message to the public that it takes its responsibilities in the field of gender equality and women’s human rights seriously.

It is important for us that the Slovak government realizes the importance of an equal partner dialogue between NGOs and the Slovak government. It is equally important that the government acknowledges the experience and expertise of women’s NGOs in the field of prevention and elimination of violence against women. We believe that your support of our efforts to achieve passing of a quality NAP reflecting international standards and obligations of the Slovak government, as well as the actual needs of women experiencing violence and their children will contribute to a genuine and equal dialogue between NGOs and the Slovak government.

If you wish to support us, please use this link to create a new e-mail, copy the following simple form and paste it into the email body, fill-in your data and send the e-mail to the pre-filled address.

Form to be copied, filled in and sent to us by e-mail:

"I hereby confirm that I support Slovak NGOs in their initiative, which began on 19 March 2009, connected to submitting a joint public comment on the draft of the National Action Plan for Prevention and Elimination of Violence against Women for years 2009-2011, pr epared by the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family.

Name and Surname:

Institution (not required):





I agree/don´t agree with making my support public."

The public comment was filed by the following NGOs:

Možnosť voľby - Pro Choice Slovakia (www.moznostvolby.sk)

Záujmové združenie žien Fenestra – Fenestra (www.fenestra.sk)

Občan a demokracia - Citizen and Democracy span> (www.oad.sk)

Pro Familia – Pro Familia (www.profamilia.sk)

Prvé lesbické združenie Museion - First Lesbian Association Museion (www.lesba.sk)

Queer Leaders Forum (www.qlf.sk)

Záujmové združenie žien Aspekt - Aspekt (www.aspekt.sk)

EsFem (www.esfem.sk)

Nadácia Milana Šimečku - Milan Simecka Foundation (www.nadaciamilanasimecku.sk)

Žena v tiesni - Women in straits (oz.zenavtiesni@tipnet.sk)

Centrum rodový štúdií - Gender Studies Centre (www.genderstudies.fphil.uniba.sk)

Slovensko-český ženský fond – Slovak - Czech Women’s Fund (www.womensfund.sk)



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