



Call for Contributions - Manual Documenting Violations Against Women's Rights Defenders


Deadline: February 6th, 2009.


As a follow-up to the International Women Human Rights Defenders Campaign of 2005 and the development of the guidebook "Claiming Rights, Claiming Justice: A Guidebook for Women Human Rights Defenders" (the Guidebook), ISHR in collaboration with the WHRD Campaign convened an international consultation on women human rights defenders in Bogota, Colombia in 2008. One of the main objectives of the consultation was to develop a manual that would serve as a simple and practical tool to assist organisations, groups and individuals in documenting violations against women human rights defenders. Deadline: February 6th, 2009.

The Manual is intended to encourage documentation of violations against women human rights defenders as part of a broader strategy of protection.

The target audience of the Manual are organisations, individuals and others who may already undertake documentation work, or wish to begin documentation activities, in addition to women human rights defenders.

The Manual should ideally contain information on what do document, how to go about documenting violations and how to use documentation to secure or strengthen protection of WHRDs. With respect to the latter topic, for example, the Manual will provide information on accessing international, regional and national human rights protection mechanisms, campaign building and using documentation to develop preventive measures. The Manual is intended to be simple and easy to use, and to serve as a 'hands-on' training resource.

ISHR and WHRD Campaign are now in the initial process of compiling a table of existing materials on documentation in order to have a list of resources, as well as to avoid any duplication of substance, and to ensure that the proposed Manual would have added value for the work of WHRDs. They are looking for existing material that covers one or more of the following topics:

  • Identifying violations against women/women human rights defenders/human rights defenders/other groups
  • Protection strategies for women/women human rights defenders/human rights defenders/other groups
  • Information on how to document violations against women/women human rights defenders/human rights defenders/other

Please email the title of the material that you would like to propose, in addition to where ISHR and WHRD Campaign can find it, online [i.e. web link], print or the relevant citation, to k.asoka@ishr.ch 

Please feel free to comment on any specific aspect of the material that you are sending in that you feel ISHR and WHRD Campaign should take particular note of. ISHR and WHRD Campaign welcomes your input and would appreciate if they could receive your contributions no later than February 6th, 2009.

To contact the list administrator, or to leave the list, send an email to: wunrn_listserve-request@lists.wunrn.com. Thank you.