



Please send completed questions to:

16days@cwgl.rutgers.edu   or



16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence

November 25 - December 10, 2008



2008 Campaign Survey





Thank you very much for your participation in the 2008 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign! In order to help the Center for Women’s Global Leadership (CWGL) re-evaluate the Campaign and better coordinate work with groups on the ground, CWGL would greatly appreciate your participation in this short survey. The questions should only take about five minutes to answer. Please type/write short responses to the open-ended questions. Completed surveys can be sent electronically to 16days@cwgl.rutgers.edu or faxed to (1-732) 932-1180.



1.      Country: _______________________________


2.      Organization (Optional): ____________________________________________


3.      Did you or your organization use any of the 2008 Take Action Kit materials provided by the Center for Women's Global Leadership when planning for the 2008 campaign?


YES [   ]            NO [   ]


If yes, which materials? (check all that apply)

[   ] Campaign Theme Announcement: “Human

 Rights for Women 34 Human Rights for All”

[   ] Campaign Profile

[   ] Description of Key Dates

[   ] Suggested Actions

[   ] 16 Days 2008 Demands for Action

[   ] 10 Ways to Engage in the Every Human Has

Rights Campaign

[   ] Ideas for Youth Activists

[   ] Bibliography and Resource List

[   ] Participants List (1991-2007)

[   ] Complimentary UDHR60 notepad and pen

 or UNIFEM pledge card

[   ] Other resources from CWGL website


If no, why not? (check all that apply)

[   ] Our local campaign had a different focus

[   ] The materials in the kit were not relevant to or helpful for our work

[   ] I did not know about the kit

[   ] We developed our own kit or materials for the campaign OR used a kit provided by another group

[   ] I already know the materials from previous years of work

[   ] The kit was not in a language I could easily understand or share with others

[   ] Other (please explain) _______________________________________________


4.      How did you obtain the Take Action Kit? (check all that apply)

[   ] Downloaded from the website

[   ] Received a hard copy of the kit by mail

[   ] Picked up a copy of the kit at an event or conference

[   ] Found from another website or organization’s links

[   ] I did not have the Take Action Kit materials

[   ] Other__________________________



5.      What was the theme, slogan, or focus of your 16 Days work this year?


      Please write: ________________________________________________________________


6.      Which events, programs, and/or activities that you planned or participated in had the most impact on you, your organization, participants, or your constituents? Why was it was so significant and what made it successful?







What outreach methods did you use?

[   ] E-mails or listserv

[   ] Handing out campaign materials, such as

       leaflets, flyers, stickers, etc.

[   ] Talking to people

[   ] Sending invitations

[   ] Advertisements in public places

[   ] Interactive website, blog, facebook, or

       other social networking site

[   ] SMS / texting

[   ] Public rally or march

[   ] Radio or television broadcasting

[   ] Other ______________________


Approximately how many people do you think you reached with your campaign work?




7.      Do you believe it is important to feel connected to other groups regionally and internationally that are also working on the 16 Days Campaign?

[   ] YES, I want to be more connected 

[   ] NO, global connections are not as important to my work

[   ] UNSURE, I would need more information


Do you feel that your 16 Days Campaign activities are connected to the larger global movement on Violence Against Women?

[   ] YES            [   ] NO


I would be interested in exploring ways to strengthen my connections to the global movement.

[   ] YES            [   ] NO            [   ] UNSURE


8.      PLEASE IDENTIFY what would enhance your participation in the 16 Days Campaign next year:

[   ] Funding to support activities

[   ] Additional materials and resources

[   ] More campaign suggestions or information

[   ] Help with media and public relations

[   ] More volunteers

[   ] Connections with local/regional/global


[   ] Technical assistance or skills training

[   ] No other support needed

[   ] Other _____________________


Additional comments or theme suggestions for 2009:



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