

The EWL believes that it is of utmost importance that the strong expertise that migrant women’s organisations and organisations that have been supporting migrant women have developed over the years is used by decision-makers at local, regional, national and European level and that specific funding lines are made available.



European Women's Lobby - EWL

Incorporating Gender in Integration Policies: the Way Forward

We are at a crucial time in defining the way ahead to effectively incorporate a gender perspective in integration policies. For many years, academics and feminist activists have talked about the invisibility of migrant women in the academic and political sphere and about the need to make migrant women visible. We can say we won this battle together: this can be seen both in the academic sphere where since the 80s, numerous books and articles have been published on migrant women’s specific situation and even mainstream academics are talking about migrant women nowadays, but migrant women have also become more visible in the political sphere. At the European level, we have seen an increased attention to the need to incorporate gender issues in integration policies (e.g. European Parliament resolution on women’s immigration); Resolution 1478 (2006) and Recommendation 1732 (2006) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe; Declaration of the 3rd Ministerial Conference on Integration of 3-4 November 2008).

The European Women’s Lobby believes it is important for women’s associations and migrant women’s organisations to build on this political momentum and to be proactive. The EWL regrets that most national integration policies have been characterised by an overwhelmingly negative dialogue portraying migrants a “burden” to our societies that had led to the stereotyping and stigmatisation of migrants while not acknowledging the economic, social and cultural contribution that migrant women and men are bringing to European societies.

The EWL believes that it is of utmost importance that the strong expertise that migrant women’s organisations and organisations that have been supporting migrant women have developed over the years is used by decision-makers at local, regional, national and European level and that specific funding lines are made available. That is why the EWL has been running since 2006 a project called “Equal rights. Equal Voices. Migrant Women in the European Union”, that aims at making migrant women’s organisations heard at the European level.  In this context, the EWL organised in partnership with migrant women’s organizations from across Europe a seminar on gender and integration policies on December 1st in Brussels (see the programme here). More than 20 representatives of migrant women’s organisations from across Europe had met the week-end before to discuss the setting up of a European network of migrant women and common actions they would like to undertake together in 2009. A follow-up meeting will take place in January 2009.

The EWL thanks the funders of this project without whom these activities would not have been possible: EPIM, the Barrow Cadbury Trust and the Sigrid Rausing Trust.

For more information about the project, click here.

Contact person: Amandine Bach, EWL Secretariat, bach@womenlobby.org

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