



Article on the state of are of women in parliamentary parties based on research through action made by the Stability Pact Gender Task Force in 64 parliamentary parties of 10 countries of the South Eastern Europe in 2007-2008.


By Sonja Lokar - sonja.lokar@siol.net





There is a common belief, that labor, socialist and SD parties and their women’s organizations are the champions of gender equality efforts in their countries. There are some signs indicating that this is not any more the case everywhere in traditional democratic European societies with strong SD parties– for example in Germany, conservative party, and not the SD  gave the first woman chancellor and conservative  woman minister for gender equality is implementing social democratic family policy with more vigor than SD party’s ones did it when the SDP was in power. Comparing the average situation and potential for action of women in all important parliamentary parties in 10 countries of the SEE with the situation and potential for action of the women in the left oriented parties in the same region, we would like to investigate, what is happening there with regard party politics on gender equality and we would like to open the debate do our SD parties need to do serious changes in their approach to gender equality and how they should go about these changes.  


In 2006 Stability Pact Gender Task Force, in close cooperation with the CEE Network for Gender Issues, implemented its second regional project on empowerment of women and gender mainstreaming in 64 that parliamentary parties of different political orientation – left, conservative and liberal, in 10 countries of the South Eastern Europe: Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria and in Moldova. 21 parties who have already established some sort of membership within the SI or the PES, or who think about themselves being of social democratic orientation, were also included in this project.


 Here are the main findings regarding the overall situation of women in 62 parliamentary parties in South Eastern Europe:


  • All parliamentary party women organizations in the SEE region came into being due to the regionally organized international support coming for the parties of the left wing orientation from SIW and the CEE Network for Gender Issues from 1994, and for the rest of political parties from the Stability Pact Gender Task Force from 1999. Their capacity building is still crucially dependent on different sorts of international support.
  • All parliamentary party women’s organizations still have extremely weak organizational capacity. Not one of them has a professional organizer, working especially and only for their women’s organization!
  • There is no systematic focus and work of these parties with their women party members, women activists and lower level of women party functionaries (mayors, councilors), and there are still very few parties willing or able to target  women voters.
  • Most of these women party organizations are closed in their ghettos, penniless, politically insignificant for their parties and invisible for their societies.
  • Their ability to serve the needs of women voters is still very low. But they start to get the right focus on what should be done.
  • This was the second project of this kind in these parties. The positive change, made from 2002 to 2006 from the first to the second project, especially in the centre and right wing parties, is incredible! The glass is half full and can be filled – all one needs to do, is to work on it!

The data we present bellow, are made at the bases of the SP GTF project report, where Ziva Zivkovic, our assistant in the Ljubljana Office of the CEE Network for Gender Issues and me, we made a detailed comparison between the overall situation of women in parliamentary political parties and the parties of social democratic, socialist or labor orientation in this region.


The main tool for our analysis was the questionnaire that I have prepared for the SP GTF regional project and which was given to all women party leaders in order to get detailed insight in the power position of women in different political parties.


It became clear that even collecting the data from the parliamentary parties about their women, even combined with direct communication with the party leaders and the leaders of  the women’s organizations within the parties and specific training sessions, was a really difficult task.


The first test of the organizational and political (in) capacity of women within the parliamentary parties was their (in) ability to answer to the questions in the questionnaire.


12 % (8 out of 64) of all parties included in this project never handed out any answers to the questionnaire. One of them (close to 5% of all left wing parties included in the sample) was between these 8 parties: newly established New SD Party of Macedonia. The rest of the participating parliamentary parties – 56 of them, tried their best to answer at least to some of the questions. 


In the tables below (in ATTACHED Full Document), we illustrate the differences regarding the state of art of the women and the capacities of political parties to deal with gender equality issues, comparing the average outcomes within all 54 parliamentary parties which gave at least one answer to our questionnaire and the average outcomes within 20 labor, socialist and SD parties in the SEE region. 



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