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Sent:                               Saturday, October 25, 2008 4:28 AM

To:                                   WUNRN_ListServe@LISTS.WUNRN.COM

Subject:                          Ethical Globalization - Human Rights - Gender







What is Ethical Globalization?

Modern BeijingToday's globalization is one of stark contrasts. There are more connections - markets, people and ideas linked as never before. At the same time, there are more divisions - between North and South, between rich and poor, between the powerful and powerless.

These divides can be seen in statistics. At a time of unparalleled prosperity for some, 54 countries are poorer now than they were a decade ago.

In 14 countries, more children are dying before their fifth birthday. In 21 countries, more people are going hungry. In 34 countries, life expectancy has fallen.

East African slumWorldwide, the number of people living in chronic poverty and daily insecurity has not changed for more than ten years, with women and children suffering disproportionately.

No one will deny any longer that turmoil in one region can spread rapidly to others, through terrorism, armed conflict, environmental degradation or disease as demonstrated by the rapid spread of AIDS around the globe in a single generation.

While the connections are evident, we seem further apart in finding ways to tackle global problems in a coordinated way where the burdens and responsibilities are shared.


VIDEO on ETHICAL GLOBALIZATION & HUMAN RIGHTS - Mary Robinson, Realizing Rights, Former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights


Ethical Globalization:

  • Acknowledges shared responsibilities for addressing global challenges and affirms that our common humanity doesn't stop at national borders.
  • Recognizes that all individuals are equal in dignity and have the right to certain entitlements, rather than viewing them as objects of benevolence or charity.
  • Embraces the importance of gender and the need for attention to the often different impacts of economic and social policies on women and men.
  • Affirms that a world connected by technology and trade must also be connected by shared values, norms of behavior and systems of accountability.


Ethical globalization requires greater recognition of the responsibility of the international community to help people who have been denied their fundamental rights. This requires taking human rights beyond their more traditional political and legal realms and applying them to other fields.

Realizing Rights energetically applauds the innovative and successful initiatives around the world that are advancing the notion of shared responsibility for the challenges of globalization.

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