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Website Link: http://www.frauenakademie.de/projekt/eu_gender-budgeting/concluding_report.htm




Gender Budgeting as a Management Strategy for Gender Equality at Universities

Concluding Project Report

0. Executive Summary

1. Introduction: Gender Budgeting in science and the EU project

1.1 The EU project on Gender Budgeting in science

1.2 Project steps and reports

1.3 Structure of the concluding project report

2. Recent trends and framework conditions for universities

3. Comparison of the situation of female and male scientists in Austria, Germany and Poland and at the three cooperating universities

3.1 The position of women and men in the field of higher education in Austria, Germany and Poland

3.2 National policies and regulations regarding gender equality and equality instruments employed in science

3.3 Gender studies at universities

3.4 The situation of women and men at the three cooperating universities

4. Financial systems of the universities in all three countries and the budgeting set-up and budgeting process at the three cooperating universities

4.1 National systems of university funding
4.1.1 Funding and autonomy of universities
4.1.2 Funding instruments
4.1.3 Funding by gender equality indicators

4.2 Budgeting set-up at the three universities
4.2.1 The internal allocation of the state budget
4.2.2 Additional financial sources for universities
4.2.3 Agreements on and funds for gender equality

4.3 Budgeting process at the three cooperating universities

5. Gender Budgeting instruments and useful indicators

5.1 Dimensions of Gender Budgeting

5.2 Steering cycle for budgeting and its phases
5.2.1 Sensitisation, awareness raising and improvement of gender competence
5.2.2 Analysis of the initial situation
5.2.3 Gender sensitive objectives
5.2.4 Gender sensitive indicators
5.2.5 Development of strategies and methods in the field of budgeting
5.2.6 Gender impact assessment (GIA): general outline and GIA in regard to budgeting
5.2.7 Allocation of funding
5.2.8 Implementation of instruments, measures or projects
5.2.9 Monitoring and gender controlling

6. Opportunities and obstacles for implementing Gender Budgeting at universities

6.1 Short description of the support actions and proposals to the universities
6.1.1 Support proposals and activities at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria
6.1.2 Support proposals and activities at the University of Gdansk, Poland
6.1.3 Support proposals and activities at the University of Augsburg, Germany

6.2 Outline and analysis of the experiences
6.2.1 Some common problems and a few differences
6.2.2 Important structural aspects for the implementation of Gender Budgeting

7. Recommendations for the implementation of Gender Budgeting

7.1 Recommendations to universities

7.2 Recommendations to the governments

7.3 Recommendations for measures at a European level

8. Project partners: institutions and scientists

8.1 Frauenakademie München e.V. (FAM)

8.2 SIM Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut München

8.3 NEWW-Polska - Network of East-West Women

8.4 Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration - Department of Economics / Institute for Institutional and Heterodox Economics

8.5 Cooperating universities

9. References

9.1 Reports of the project

9.2 Selected references


For further information please contact the Coordinator:

Frauenakademie München e.V. (FAM)
Auenstr. 31
80469 München
Tel: ++49 (0) 89-7211881
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Dr. Andrea Rothe
Tel: ++49 (0) 170 - 89 13 624

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