




The World Association for Christian Communication (WACC) in partnership with Grupo de apoyo al movimiento de mujeres del Azuay (GAMMA) held a 3-day training workshop on gender and media advocacy from 15 to 17 July, 2008 in Quito, Ecuador. Representatives from women’s non-governmental organisations and other civil society organisations from 17 Latin American countries attended.


The workshop is a follow-up to the Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) 2005, the most extensive global research into gender in the media ever undertaken that mapped the representation of women and men in the news media in 76 countries. (URL: www.whomakesthenews.org).


Analysis of the media monitoring findings from 11 countries in the Latin America region revealed that only 23% of the people in the news are women despite having a population that is at least 50% female. Women are not equally represented within media houses, they are barely present in management positions and in editorial spaces. As confirmed by the results of the GMMP, the depiction of women in the news is degrading and stereotypical. Additional sources assert that across the Latin America region, gender policies for media are inexistent and the legal frameworks in general do not encourage the enactment of such policies.


The workshop provided an opportunity for groups working on gender and media issues in the region to network and share their experiences with a view to collectively develop advocacy campaigns. Participants elaborated a plan for gender and media advocacy which includes, as a priority action, the replication of the GAMMA-WACC initiative ‘Citizens Communication Observatory’ beyond Ecuador into other countries in the Spanish-speaking Latin America and Caribbean region.


For more information, please send an email to gamma@gammaecuador.org  or sm@waccglobal.org.

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