

UNFPA's Strategic Framework on Gender

Mainstreaming & Women's Empowerment

2008 - 2011






"Countless women throughout the world suffer the indignities of poverty, illiteracy, discrimination, violence and injustice simply because they are women. The unequal status, freedoms and opportunities afforded to women and girls persist to some extent in every corner of the world, often accepted as 'normal' aspects of society and human relations."


"In the countdown to the Millennium Development Goals' 2015 deadline, the UN System is urgently charged with the challenged to improve the lot of the world's most marginalized populations. Advancing gender equality and empowering women is central to these goals, especially to reduce poverty, maternal mortality and the spread of HIV."


"National policies, laws and budgets require a gender equality perspective. They are springboards for determining the political and funding agenda at the highest levels."


"Gender-based violence not only has grave consequences for the psychosocial and physical well-being of women, including their sexual and reproductive health and its implications for the HIV and AIDS pandemic, it also impacts public budgets and national development through increased costs, loss of productivity and erosion of human capital."


"A gender perspective in humanitarian response, transition and recovery is essential for effective policy and programming. It helps ease the passage from crisis to development for populations in conflict or disaster-affected countries.Transition and recovery periods offer a unique opportunity for countries to set off on a path of gender equality and improved prospects for poverty reduction, development and lasting peace."