

CaucAsia Magazine - February 2008- Gender & Media - is Attached.


Direct Link to CaucAsia Issues:



CaucAsia - International Coalition of Gender Journalists








Ukraine - Oksana Kis


"Images of advertisement do not only reflect the society, but also create standards and make the society correspond to the imposed models....The majority of advertisements highlight supremacy of heterosexuality and produce stereotypes on women's femininity and men's masculinity.


Advertisements use many symbols to bring messages to the target group. Excessive aestheticism of the female body is one of the tools actively used by the advertising business in patriarchal cultures.


Ukranian visual advertisement tends to show "unreal" beautiful women, who constantly take care of their bodies' beauty and keep working at its perfection. This is a common tendency of advertisements in all post-Soviet countries. This makes women consciously, or unconsciously, follow such modeling of appearance. Researchers state that this tendency brings serious negative consequences to the psychological and physical health of ordinary women....


Research also states that sexist advertisements have an especially negative impact on teenagers. Young girls may not focus as much on their intellectual growth and concentrate on their body and the development of sexuality.


Cosmopolitan, Glamour, and Essence, have entered Ukranian information space. The dominating topics of these magazines are: 'what to do in order to get and keep a man,' and 'how to become more beautiful'. The main task of many women's magazines seems to be the transformation of a woman into a doll, a subject of men's consumption.


Even comparatively gender-neutral publications may view a woman as a decoration, as a man's property. Women are taught that they have influence only in the shadow of a man, and that belonging to a man is a natural way of women's life."





Azerbaijan - Baha Adilkyzy


"Over 45% of Azerbajani journalists are women. However, there are practically no women among editors, though there are no doubts that there are many educated and talented women who could skillfully manage a media source.


The majority of female journalists I meet say that they are not allowed to address women's problems in their articles....Journalists working in the region admit that their editors simply forbid them to write on women's problems, saying that it is not necessary to speak publicly about the problems a family deals with at home."




CaucAsia Detailed Description of Two Major Media-Focused Events

in Bishek, Kyrgyzstan:


*The Role of the Media in Safeguarding the Rights of Women & Children

 Supported by the European Commission & the BBC World Service Trust


*The First International Festival of Women's Documentary

 Organized by the Austrian Association for Dialogue with Central Asia Through Art

 with Koldoo Kyrgyz Social Organization




Article on Conference in Ukraine - Oksana Prokipchuk


Implementation of Gender Policy: Cooperation Between Authorities

& Non-Governmental Organizations





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