

Direct Link to 24 May Action Pack 'Money for Women Peacemakers'




Website: http://www.ifor.org/WPP/

Contact: m.vanbeek@ifor.org

24 May International Women's Day for Peace and Disarmament

Seminar 'Money for Women Peacemakers', The Netherlands

Join pioneers in the field discussing the impact of financial investments in women activists on the establishment of true peace and justice:
Malalai Joya (former MP/Afghanistan), Etweda Cooper (activist, winner of the 1325 Award/Liberia), Asha Elmi Hagi (activist, winner of the Virginia Bell Award/Somalia) and Elizabeth Porter (academic/Australia).

For more information in English, click here >
For more information in Dutch, click here >

For the free downloadable 24 May Action Pack 'Money for Women Peacemakers' , click here >

For a hard copy of the 24 May Action Pack 'Money for Women Peacemakers' , contact us >

Every day thousands of women in war areas worldwide work hard for peace. We don’t know them, we don’t hear about them through the media, but they continue their struggle. Even with the little financial support they get they achieve incredible results: what would the world look like if they were to receive more money?


Money is available for war.  Why not for peace? 

This will be an interactive day with debate and discussion, funds market and networking opportunities. There will be workshops on fundraising (‘tips and tricks’), impact measurement, investments, marketing (‘peace activism=hot’) and PR. Real life cases such as Afghanistan, Liberia and Rwanda will be addressed and discussed. We’ll close the day with a high-energy musical performance . 


The seminar is an initiative of IFOR’s Women Peacemakers Program and is organized in cooperation with Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR), the coalition People Building Peace, ICCO, Platform Vredesculturen, the Afghan women’s organization Rabe-i-Balkhi, the working group 1325 of the Dutch Gender Platform WO=MEN, Musicians without Borders, Foundation GentleWoman, Soroptimisten Zeeland and the Platform Vrouwen en Duurzame Vrede of the Nederlandse Vrouwenraad (NVR).


Venue: Sociëteit de Witte, Plein 24, 2511 CS, The Hague.

Programme: 9.30-17.30 h.

Registration is obligatory and free

Contact: m.vanbeek@ifor.org



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