

ILO - International Labour Organization




ILO International Training Centre Gender Campus


As from March 30th, 2007, all our on-line courses are based on a new  on-line platform.    

The Gender Campus is the new virtual meeting place for the community of gender experts, advocates and sympathizers of the Gender Coordination Unit of the ILO International Training Centre. It includes a gate to enter all our on-line learning courses and many more facilities.

News, available gender tools, publications and links, and an exclusive  "CyberCafé" are available to all our users.

Come and visit it. You just need to register once, by clicking on  "No account yet? Register" in the LOGIN FORM at the left of the HOME page. Then click on the icon to access it.

No costs and no obligations are  involved.

You can also consult the Gender Campus Participants'Guide.


A951714 - Gender, poverty and employment (online)


Started on 4 February. This is an ongoing distance learning course and we are still accepting applications 

Download the complete Gender Campus Flyer in PDF



This distance learning course on Gender, Poverty and Employment (GPE) allows you to have a closer look at the linkages between gender inequalities, poverty dimensions and employment strategies. It looks at gender equality in employment across cutting ingredient for success and sustainability of poverty reduction policies. It identifies critical areas for attention and possible policy options to empower the poor and particularly poor women, in the key sectors contributing to integrated anti-poverty strategies: organisational power, access to natural resources, financial assets such as credit and savings, education and employability, social protection.



A951713 - Mainstreaming gender equality in the World of Work (on line)


Started on 4 February. This is an ongoing distance learning course and we are still accepting applications 

Download the complete PDF Gender Campus Flyer


The international community, governments, donors and the social partners are now insisting on the need to mainstream gender issues into their programmes and actions, towards the achievement of gender equality.  We have therefore designed a modular, flexible, user-friendly and interactive space for development practitioners, policy makers, project managers, and trainers. The course structure is modular and flexible, and participants can set their individual learning objectives according to their individual work needs.



A901067 - Genre et développement: concepts et instruments


14 - 25 avril 2008

Télécharger la brochure du cours A901067 en format PDF


Le but du cours est de promouvoir l'égalité entre femmes et hommes dans le monde du travail en introduisant non seulement les concepts de genre mais aussi en fournissant aux participants/tes une série d'outils conceptuels et d'outils qui peuvent s'adapter aux différentes réalités et qui se concentrent sur l'intégration des principes d'égalité dans le monde du travail et dans les différents milieux tels les syndicats, les entreprises, les gouvernements et les ONG.



A251715 - Género, pobreza y empleo


5 de mayo - 7 de noviembre 2008

Descargar el folleto del curso A251715 en PDF


El género sigue siendo una línea divisoria, un factor clave de la vulnerabilidad a la pobreza y el menoscabo social en casi todas partes. En efecto, existe una proporcionalidad directa entre pobreza, niveles y patrones de ocupación y las desigualdades que subsisten en la sociedad. El género es una variable determinante para acceder a un empleo e incide en las retribuciones, las condiciones del trabajo, los beneficios y la seguridad laboral.  Una de las premisas del trabajo decente es la eliminación de las distinciones y desigualdades en razón del género, tanto en el hogar, como en la comunidad, la economía y la política. Así, se plantea la necesidad de investigar en qué medida subsisten tales diferencias en lo económico-socio-político y ambiental respecto de las oportunidades para hombres y mujeres.


Website offers additional page of on-line courses.



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