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Via Eldis Migration Reporter


China: Women Migrant Workers Under the Chinese Social Apartheid

Authors: Loong-yu,A. ; Shan,N. ; Ping,Z.
Produced by: Committee for Asian Women (2008)

This report assesses the impact of the capitalist reforms since the 1990's in China's one-party system. It particularly focuses on the experiences of women rural migrant workers and looks at how the women workers have responded to these reforms.

The authors argue that the combined results of the repressive regime have given rise to a kind of spatial and social system which systematically discriminates against the rural population, with women being the most oppressed. Recently, however, women workers have been increasingly striving to make their grievances heard.

Key concluding points include:

Available online at: http://w ww. eldis. org/cf/rdr/?doc=35393

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