

Afghanistan - International


On March 8, 2008, International Women's Day,

at 10 AM, Afghan Women Unite for Peace


In Kandahar, one of the most violent provinces in Afghanistan, women are gathering for peace because they are tired of watching their family and friends killed in senseless acts of violence. Women in Kabul and every otherprovince of Afghanistan will express their solidarity with the Kandahar women by reading a message of peace at their International Women's Day gatherings on March 8th.  


Elsewhere in the world, Bpeace (The Business Council for Peace) is mobilizing international support for the Afghan women by circulating an on-line petition:   http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/afghanpeace.  The petition will be presented as a display of international support to the brave women of Kandahar and to President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan and the United Nations. 


The Afghan women have taken their cue from two ordinary women in Ireland who, in the 1970's, grew angry because Irish were killing Irish.  These women went door to door and convinced women to march for peace.  They later won the Nobel Peace Prize.


"Today we drove by the site of the third suicide bomber in three days,” says Rangina Hamidi, one of the organizers of the Kandahar gathering. “We are ready to follow in the footsteps of our Irish sisters. For the past seven years Afghans have celebrated March 8th with cheap gifts given to women to honor them. This year, the women in Kandahar loudly say the best gift for us is peace in our country."  


Rangina Hamidi will be in New York City March 2 to 6, 2008.  For more information contact: Marla Gitterman,mgitterman@bpeace.org , 212-696-9696 or Laurie Chock, lauriechock@optonline.net , (914) 591-4052.


Also on March 8th in Annandale, Virginia, the women of the DC Metro Afghan Community, supported by the Embassy of Afghanistan, are gathering to express their support of the Afghan women. Contact: Zarmina Hamidi, Zaro78@yahoo.com , 703-729-3528 / 571-236-0388 or Stoorai Ayazi, Mena96@comcast.net, 703-430-0906 / 571-277-0218.


For further information about the petition, the events in Kandahar, and additional events in the metro Washington DC/Northern Virginia area, please go to:




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