

ILO - International Labour Organization



The ILO Participatory Gender Audit Methodology

Direct Link: http://www.ilo.org/dyn/gender/docs/RES/536/F932374742/web%20gender%20manual.pdf





ILO Training of Gender Audit Facilitators




 03 - 07 March 2008 

Download the PDF A901066 flyer in PDF


The ILO Participatory Gender Audit Methodology is a particularly proactive method, based on a participatory and learning approach at the individual, work unit and organizational level.
The word “audit” has been normally understood to be “an accounting exercise” where an external expert evaluates a work unit and submits conclusions and recommendations to the management.

 Course description

This course draws on the extensive experience the ILO has developed in-house in a series of groundbreaking gender audits involving staff and constituents from virtually every region in the world. 

The ILO Participatory Gender Audit Manual shall be used as reference material for the course.


The five-day course shall begin with an overall introduction to gender, work and development issues and an exposure to international experiences in mainstreaming gender concerns in public administration.

It will then continue with a full immersion in the GA methodology and its instruments. Areas such as:
• Mainstreaming of gender equality as a cross-cutting concern in the organisation’s objectives, programme and budget;
• existing gender expertise, competence and capacity building;
• information and knowledge management;
• choice of partner organizations;
• staffing and human resources; and
• perception of achievement on gender equality.

are among the explored elements.

The organisation of gender audit teams,  desk reviews, gender audit file preparation, participatory workshop implementation and structured interviews shall be presented to participants in both theoretical and practical ways.


The course requires a very active participation, as its schedule is quite intense. Full and committed attendance is a must.

The course is open to representatives of governments, workers’ and employers’ organizations, civil society organizations, human resources consultants and professional evaluators. Previous knowledge of gender themes and direct experience in promoting equality issues is required.
Preference shall be accorded to persons possessing preceding experience in training, capacity-building, information dissemination, as the gender audit facilitator’s role requires the dissemination of knowledge and skills acquired.

Fluency in English language is required to fully profit from the resources offered.  


Applications to participate should be addressed to:

Gender Coordination Unit

International Training Centre of the ILO,

Viale Maestri del Lavoro 10

10127 Turin, Italy

Tel +39 011 693 6936,

Fax. +39 011 693 6350,

E-mail: gender@itcilo.

Download now the Application Form to fill in and send us. Don't forget to specify the title and code of the course you are applying for!  

A very limited number of partial fellowships are available for this activity. 


To leave the list, send your request by email to: wunrn_listserve-request@lists.wunrn.com. Thank you.