





Social Platform Position Paper "Equality and Non Discrimination: What Role for the EU? Social NGO's Recommendations For Further Actions"


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Gender Dimension Examples:

*Any discrimination based on any ground such as sex, race, colour,k ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation shall be prohibited"


"Discrimination can be motivated by more than one ground. For instance, a woman can be black, Muslim, and with disabilities. Unfortunately, not all these grounds are legally protected in the same way at the European level, and these gaps may prevent an individual from the right to be treated equally before the law.Multiple discrimination is therefore another reason why we need to have the same level of protection for all types of discrimination."


"Member States and the EU should ratify the Protocol 12 of the European Convention of Human Rights which states that 'the enjoyment of any right set forth by law shall be secured without discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status' and that 'no one shall be discriminated against by any public authority on any ground.' "


"The right to enlarged protection against gender discrimination. Gender equality constitutes a specific field of activity of the EU based on precise Treaty provisions. Because much progress still needs to be made to ensure that European societies are detrimental neither for women nor men, social NGO's call for EU legislation and action in the field of gender equality to be strengthened in order to address discrimination against women in all areas of life."


"The right to be protected against any form of violence. Violence and abuse of women, and all people of vulnerable groups is widespread in society. Any form of violence and abuse is a fundamental barrier to the achievement of equality and is a violation of human rights. There is therefore a need for coherent and comprehensive EU policies and legislation, notably to support victims and prosecute offenders."


"The duty to lead effective information and awareness raising campaigns ensuring that all women and men living in the EU are able to use their rights."





Social Platform Position Paper "Equality and Non Discrimination: What Role for the EU? Social NGO's Recommendations For Further Actions"

This week, the Platform Steering Group has adopted a position on equality and non-discrimination. Social NGOs believe that the fight for more equality in Europe requires new initiatives from the Commission to ensure equality for each individual living in the EU and avoid any hierarchy of rights.

The Social Platform welcomes the open consultation launched by the European Commission on a new initiative to prevent and combat discrimination beyond employment. Many Social NGOs, and in particular anti-discrimination networks, are taking part in this consultation and bring a unique expertise from their sectors. The common position’s objective is to make concrete proposals to EU institutions on how to reinforce their equality and anti-discrimination work and to communicate the solidarity and determination of Social NGOs in achieving equality for all in the European Union.

For the Social Platform, there is no equality for all:

without the same legal protection for all

» without EU and Member States guaranteeing equality in practice

» without building all EU policies upon equality and non discrimination      principles

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