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policy and practice from a feminist perspective.








Burkina Faso is a land-locked West African country. It is ranked as one of the poorest countries in the world.


Women constitute 52% of the population of about 10 million. More than 75% of adults are illiterate; and of these, 80% are rural women.


Women constitute the majority of the poor people, and are constrained by laws and social discrimination that prevent them from owning property, borrowing money, or gaining access to land and natural resources.


Agriculture is the main activity.....


This Case Study has examined how rural women mobilised to establish a women's shea butter sector enterprise in Burkina Faso. By adding value through processing of shea nuts into shea butter, women are directly reaping the benefits of their labour. The enterprise is creating jobs and providing extra income to the women.


Shea is one of the few economic commodities in the region that is entirely under the control of women. In some cases, men take over control of enterprises when they become profitable. However, this has not occurred in the shea sector; and women continue to control the entire process; and the benefits accdrue directly to them.


The government's commitment to promoting women's economic empowerment was instrumental in the revitalisation of the shea nut sector and the improved well-being of many burkinabe women.


This case study shows that with the right government commitment and political will, appropriate support to women's organisations from the government and donor agencies, the availability of appropriate technology, access to credit, and access to expanding markets, the women's enterprise has become an overall success. It also gives an insight into how linking women producers to global markets strengthened women's economic security and empowered them.


The women are empowered at different levels. The enterprise has enabled them to improve their living standards, increased the country's foreign earnings, and contributed to the growth of the country's economy.....

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