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OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-Operation & Development

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ICT's and Gender - Working Party on the Information Economy

This document provides an overview of the gender distribution of ICT and ICT-related employment in OECD countries, and ICT employment patterns are contrasted with overall employment to highlight how different ICT employment patterns are. The document then focuses on participation in ICT-related education and training, and differences in ICT access and use by gender. This analysis will be expanded and deepened, particularly on broadband-related issues and impacts, which are not covered here, if extra resources become available in 2007-2008.

This report was presented to the Working Party on the Information Economy (WPIE) at its meeting in December 2006, as part of its work on ICT skills and employment. It was recommended to be made public by the Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy in March 2007.

The report chapters include:

Employment patterns by gender
Overall employment
Managerial and professional occupations
ICT related occupations
Education and training
Access to ICTs by gender
Access to PCs
Internet access
Differences in Internet use

Author: Desirée van Welsum and Pierre Montagnier
Published by:  OECD
Year of publishing: 2007
Type: Gender Assessments and Research
Languages covered: English
Regional and country focus: Europe,  North America
Issues covered: Education, Economic Empowerment, Universal Access  
Available for download in <PDF format >

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