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Neglected diseases: a human rights analysis

A human rights approach to addressing neglected diseases

Authors: P. Hunt
Publisher: World Health Organization , 2007

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This report by the World Health Organisation, examines the relationship between neglected diseases and human rights. It argues that neglected diseases are both a cause and consequence of human rights violations, and the failure to respect certain human rights, such as the rights to water, adequate housing, education and participation, increases the vulnerability of individuals and communities to neglected diseases.

The report shows the connections between health and human rights and sets out the features of a rights-based approach to health problems including non-discrimination, equity and participation. The report signals that an integrated health system, proper attention to the underlying determinants of health, affordable drugs, and equitable research and development are not only needed in the struggle against neglected diseases, they are also vital elements of the right to health. The paper concludes that the right to health places moral and legal obligations on states and requires that they be held to account for their conduct in relation to health. It also insists that developed states have a responsibility to help developing states realise the right to health, and respond to inequities in global health.

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