





UN-INSTRAW launches today its new web resource on Gender Training for Peacekeepers. The interactive resource fills a gap in the documentation of gender training opportunities for peacekeepers and aims to facilitate gender mainstreaming in peacekeeping operations. It presents an overview of pre-deployment and in-mission gender training provided to uniformed and civilian peacekeeping personnel and includes information and resources for institutions interested in incorporating gender issues onto their training agenda. UN-INSTRAW also publishes a background paper that outlines the institutional context of gender training within United Nations peace support operations.

Integrating a gender perspective into peacekeeping training is an effective way to promote gender equality in peacekeeping missions, so that peacekeeping personnel can better understand the social context in which the operations are carried out and the positive and negative impacts that their actions can have on the host country. The new UN-INSTRAW web resource highlights the efforts to build capacity in peacekeeping missions on gender issues and brings together materials that can be used in gender training.

The site is aimed to be interactive and should not be considered 'finished'. Therefore, we invite you email us at gps@un-instraw.org if you have information you would like to share about the training your institution is conducting or to simply share your comments and ideas.

Visit the web resource at http://www.un-instraw.org/jdata/en/gender-training-for-peace-keepers.html

INSTRAW Gender, Peace and Security
Nicola Popovic 

Why gender training for peacekeepers?

United Nations peacekeeping missions operate under the mandate to create conditions for sustainable peace. Peacekeepers work in difficult circumstances where challenges such as gender-based violence, culturally specific gender roles and unequal power relations between peacekeeping personnel and the civilian population have to be addressed adequately. In order to fulfil their mandates and to respond to these challenges, the integration of a gender perspective in all spheres of all peacekeeping missions is essential, as emphasised in the Windhoek Declaration and the Security Council Resolution 1325.

An effective way to promote gender equality in peacekeeping missions is to integrate a gender perspective into peacekeeping training, so that peacekeeping personnel can better understand the social context in which the operations are carried out and the positive and negative impacts that their actions can have on the host country.

This section highlights the efforts to build capacity in peacekeeping missions on gender issues and brings together materials that can be used in gender training. Explore the world map above to find out how gender training is provided in peacekeeping training centres and peacekeeping missions around the world. If you have information you would like to share about the training your institution is conducting, please email us.

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