

The Gender Responsive Budgeting website is a collaborative effort between the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), the Commonwealth Secretariat and Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC), which was launched in 2001. The website strives to support efforts of governments, women’s organizations, members of parliaments and academics to ensure that planning and budgeting effectively respond to gender equality goals. The site also provides practitioners with a variety of resources, assessments and training materials on gender responsive budgeting. Finally, it aims to promote cross-regional information-sharing on country experiences and facilitates networking and collaboration amongst countries, civil society and international organizations. 

Message from UNIFEM:

We are pleased to launch the new version of the website on Gender Responsive Budgeting http://www.gender-budgets.org/ . The website has been upgraded to respond to feedback received by UNIFEM from users and partners over the past few years with the hope that this website continues to be a comprehensive and useful resource centre on gender responsive budgeting.

Adjustments to the website include:

  • Provide users with easily accessible, searchable and up-to-date resources on GRB
  • Reorganize the website in categories and sections that are more user-friendly
  • Include a section entitled "Issues" on issues relevant to GRB such as rights-based budgeting, GRB and Aid Effectiveness agenda, and the application of GRB in relation to specific women's priorities such as reproductive health, HIV/AIDs, among others.
  • Set up sections in the website for resources in French, Spanish, and Arabic languages
  • Migrate from the previous location under the website of the International Development and Research Centre in Canada (IDRC) to this current independent location maintaining the url: http://www.gender-budgets.org/

UNIFEM would like to invite all interested organizations and individuals to contribute to the contents of this website by sending us resources for posting. We also welcome your feedback and welcome any interest in building partnerships with national, regional and international organizations to strengthen this website and the work on gender responsive budgeting at large. Please contact us at gender.budgets@unifem.org



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