Speech: UNIFEM: Development Effectiveness: Gender Equality at the Core
of Aid Effectiveness - By Ms. Noeleen Heyzer, Executive Director, UNIFEM
"Anticipating this increase, in January 2005, developing and developed
countries agreed in the Paris Declaration that achieving the MDGs depends
not only on increased ODA (Official Development Assistance) but also on
a significant increase in aid effectiveness.
Women in particular looked forward to the boost this increase
would give to efforts to implement commitments to gender equality
and women's empowerment made in the Beijing Platform, especially in
developing countries.

However, 18 months later, ODA has not increased. In fact, in 2006, the
total actually fell, down 5.1 percent from its peak in 2005. Eliminating
debt relief, which spiked in 2005 with debt cancellation in Nigeria and
Iraq, the drop is only 1.8 percent. Overall, however, eliminating debt
relief from ODA totals shows a very modest increase over the last five
years, including 2005, highlighting the fact that other forms of aid will
have to increase very substantially if there is to be any realistic hope of
reaching the US$130 billion target by 2010, as OECD (Organisation for
Economic Co-Operation and Development) has stated quite clearly....."
OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development)

2006 Survey on Monitoring the Paris Declaration - Overview of the results 




How effective is aid at helping developing countries eradicate poverty? In March 2005, more than 100 countries made a firm commitment in the Paris Declaration to measure their success, or failure, in making aid more effective.

This landmark report provides a snapshot of the state of affairs in 2005. For the first time, it assesses the effectiveness of aid, not only globally, but also for a range of donors. To measure its effectiveness, 34 developing countries and 55 donors participated in a groundbreaking survey. The results of this survey are included in this report.

Volume 1 (Overview of the Results) presents an overview of key findings across the 34 countries and Volume 2 (Country Chapters) includes a detailed analysis for each of the 34 countries that undertook the survey.

Overview of the results (pdf, 133 pages, 1,63 MB)
Country Chapters

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