Our Mission - Three Guineas Fund

Virginia Woolf wrote Three Guineas in 1938. Her essay explores philanthropic choice and develops a theory of social change based on investing in women and girls. The Foundation's name reflects this key principle and core strategy. Three Guineas Fund creates social change by investing in economic opportunity for women and girls. The Fund’s philanthropic program and strategies are designed to achieve social justice gains that enable women and girls to earn an independent living, participate fully in the economy, and give back to their communities.

Our Methods and Values
Three Guineas Fund is a public foundation. We identify and support promising innovations aligned with our mission. We have had a particular interest in models that contribute to systemic change and that bridge for-profit and non-profit sectors.

Three Guineas maintains a small portfolio of grant partners, and strives to model a philanthropic process and culture that promote partnership and relationship building. We recognize that solutions to complex problems require a diversity of voices, range of skills, global perspective and a tolerance for risk. All Fund activities embody a theory of change and explore new approaches to solving a social problem.

For the last 10 years, Three Guineas Fund has used a mix of methods and tools in its philanthropic practice. For example, the foundation has created and developed operating projects alongside a selective grant program. We welcomed interns, shared our workspace, and hosted other organizations with common purpose. Three Guineas has made investments in learning from others, building networks, and in capturing what we have learned through our work with grant partners and other colleagues.

Three Guineas Fund has evolved its strategy and approach over time, and continues to explore and invent its model of philanthropic practice. The Fund is presently engaged in a process of reflection and reevaluation of its strategic focus and operating model. We expect to emerge from this period with renewed commitment to an effective philanthropic approach to social justice issues.

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