ADOPTION - Cautions On Child Laundering/Trafficking With Intercountry Adoptions
Smolin, D.M. (2007). Child Laundering As Exploitation: Applying Anti-Trafficking Norms to Intercountry Adoption Under the Coming Hague Regime.  69 p. “Child laundering occurs when children are illicitly obtained by fraud, force, or funds, and then processed through false paperwork into "orphans" and then adoptees. Child laundering thus involves illegally obtaining children by abduction or purchase for purposes of adoption. My prior work has documented and analyzed the widespread existence of child laundering in the intercountry adoption system. This article argues that child laundering is a form of exploitation, and hence qualifies as a form of human trafficking. Once child laundering is understood as an exploitative form of child trafficking, legal and ethical norms currently applied to human trafficking become applicable. Thus, the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption should be implemented according to its intent as an anti-trafficking Convention.”
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Smolin, D.M. (2006). Child Laundering: How the Inter-country Adoption System Legitimizes and Incentivizes the Practices of Buying, Trafficking, Kidnapping, and Stealing Children.  90 p. In ExpressO; Wayne Law Review 52.No. 1 (2006): 113-200This article documents and analyzes a substantial incidence of “child laundering” within the intercountry adoption system. Child laundering occurs when children are taken illegally from birth families through child buying or kidnapping, and then ”laundered” through the adoption system as ”orphans” and then ”adoptees.” The article then proposes reforms to the intercountry adoption system that could substantially reduce the incidence of child laundering.
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