Since poverty traps women in multiple layers of discrimination and hinders their ability to claim their rights, ending feminized poverty has always been a core UNIFEM priority. Not only do women bear a disproportionate burden of the world's poverty, but in some cases, globalization has widened the gap, with women losing more than their share of jobs, benefits and labour rights. >From tax systems to trade regimes, however, economic policies and institutions still mostly fail to take gender disparities into account.
Pro-Poor Growth and Gender Inequality: Insights from new research, by Stephan Klasen
Direct Link to IPC Journal Document:
UNDP International Poverty Centre - IPC
Poverty Centre Website: http://www.undp-povertycentre.org/

Analysing and Achieving Pro-Poor Growth – Poverty in Focus 

This issue of IPC’s Journal Poverty in Focus concentrates not so much on the definition of pro-poor growth as the analysis of it and its policy implications and results. The authors spell out and apply different definitions and measures in discussing various policy-related aspects of pro-poor growth.  

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