Attachments: WWSF Manifesto 2007.pdf
Women's World Summit Foundation
WWSF Manifesto is attached. 
Women's World Summit Foundation Manifesto 2007
A Call to Action to make prevention of abuse and violence against children a priority

WWSF Women's World Summit Foundation
Secretariat :  11 Avenue de la Paix,  Ch-1202 Geneva
P.O.Box  2001, 1211 Geneva 1, Switzerland
Tel:  +41 (0) 22 738.66.19  / Fax  +41  (0) 22 738.82.48
  /  Web:

Children’s Section:  World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse - 19 November;  
Prize for prevention of child abuse; and the International Clearinghouse for prevention of child abuse and violence against children.

Women’s Section: PRIZE for women's creativity in rural life; World Rural Women's Day – 15 October; World Day for Circles of Compassion - 2 November and circle training sessions; Mali Sheep Project.

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