English & Spanish Translations


Welcome to The First International Congress 2007
at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Unidad de Post-Grado Facultad de Letras y Ciencias  Humanas

The de-marginalization of literary and
linguistic trends in Latin America

August 2, 3 and 4th.  Lima, Perú


To Faculty and Graduate students

Dear Colleagues:

The Organizing Committee of the 2007 First International Congress is pleased to extend an invitation and announce to faculty and graduate students the keynote addresses:


"A research agenda for Latin American queer studies in the 21st century"
by Dr. David Foster, Regents' Professor of Spanish, Humanities and Women's  Studies, Arizona State University


The de-marginalization of linguistic and literary trends in Latin America"

by Dr. Margarita Hidalgo, Professor of Spanish Linguistics. San Diego State University.


Main themes for the conference will focus on:

  • Works of literature:  the old and the new left

  • Women’s Studies issues

  • Gay, lesbian and queer Studies

  • Language contact and de-marginalization

For complete information on this important event please enter:  



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