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Poverty, Gender and Human Trafficking in Sub-Saharan Africa: Rethinking Best Practices in Migration Management 

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Human trafficking, often qualified as the ‘modern day slavery’, is caused by human rights violations embodied in poverty while it also contributes to increased deprivation.

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Poverty is one of the main factors leading people, especially women and children to fall preys to the traffickers. In turn, human trafficking locks up the trafficked persons in poverty through exploitation. This vicious circle ‘poverty – human trafficking – poverty’ denies individuals the basic right to education and information, the right to health, the right to decent work, the right to security and justice.

Poverty, Gender and Human Trafficking: Rethinking Best Practices in Migration Management’ tries to unpack the interconnectedness between human trafficking and poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa, based on a critical analysis of migration processes in relation to human rights abuse.

Poverty and human trafficking will only cease when they are dequately addressed as two intermingled issues, which nurture each other and plunge vulnerable persons into deep deprivation and exploitatation.



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