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Teaching for Tolerance and Freedom of Religion or Belief

The Oslo Coalition project on School Education, Tolerance, and Freedom of Religion or Belief seeks to develop a global interdisciplinary network to contribute to the following up of the recommendations of the Final Document of The 2001 Madrid Consultative Conference on School Education in Relation with Freedom of Religion or Belief.
The objectives are: 1) To contribute to the development and dissemination of material for education about freedom of religion or belief as a human right and about tolerance with regard to religion or belief. 2) To evaluate different educational models (civic education, education about religion or belief etc.) from around the world to see if they contribute to tolerance and understanding between people with different beliefs and worldviews and whether they are in compliance with international human rights standards on freedom of religion or belief.





Istanbul, November 2005: Learning about the Other and Teaching for Tolerance in Muslim Majority Societies (workshop held in cooperation with the Center for Values Education, Istanbul))

Oslo, September 2004: Teaching for Tolerance, Respect and Recognition

Oslo, December 2002: Strategy seminar

Madrid, November 2001: International Consultative Conference
on School Education in Relation with Freedom of Religion or Belief

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