Founding Executive Director Nancy Stephan


If you feel the call to gather, as women, to connect, honor each other and ultimately change our world, we invite you to join us in becoming a member of Honoring Women Worldwide, a non-profit organization.

Vision: Honoring Women Worldwide

Definition: Honoring exudes actions showing profound respect, deep care, and high regard.

Purpose: Provide a Place to honor women's contributions, history, sacred customs, societal advances, and impact on humankind toward peaceful actions globally.

Honoring and uniting women globally to positively change the world of women by teaching, promoting, and demonstrating the importance of sponsoring, assisting, networking, mentoring, and relying on one another to further women's causes. The cornerstone of these initiatives will be through a Women's Worldwide Hall of Honor.

1. Unite, connect, engage and inspire women to honor and celebrate themselves and other women worldwide.
2. Expand women's global business and leadership opportunities
3. Create and build a Women's Worldwide Hall of Honor by 2015
4. Provide a one-of-a-kind global education focused on honoring differences
5. Attract international tourism  
6. Inspire a spirit of service and giving among women

 Image:  Women's Worldwide Hall of Honor connected to a circular conference center; surrounded by international cultural centers; and on the outer ring, futuristic, thriving businesses to acknowledge and further women's contributions to the world.

We Value and Commit to:
1. Celebrating our accomplishments and the difference we are making in our lives and the lives of others.
2. Showing honor and respect to every race/nationality and culture.
3. Creating common ground to work in partnership and build community.
4. Using inclusive language to foster and cultivate positive relationships.
5. Exploring possibilities and creating solutions to challenges.
6. Acknowledging, learning, and growing from our life experiences.
7. Recognizing and celebrating all successes along the way.
8. Providing enjoyable and educational, multi-cultural, entertainment.
9. Thriving financially and modeling good financial practices.

Our mission is to mobilize women across the globe to honor, recognize and celebrate the contributions of women, and leverage their untapped leadership capabilities to positively change our world.

Honoring Women Worldwide Operating Principles
I commit to honoring myself and others, by choosing actions showing profound respect, deep care and high regard.

I. Creating connections and partnerships 
• Expecting the best from myself and others
• Being fully present and attentive
• Acting with compassion toward self and others
• Expressing what is so for me and exploring what is so for others
• Agreeing to disagree, ensuring all opinions are acknowledged
• Agreeing there is more than one right way

II. Honoring Multi-culturalism, Diversity, and Inclusion
• Seeing others, thinking about my perceptions, being open to possibilities, and acting in new ways
• Operating with curiosity vs. judgment
• Asking for feedback and clarity to gain understanding

III. Educating myself and Learning from others
• Challenging my assumptions and  thinking
• Being aware of my actions and impact on others
• Discovering how others think and feel
• Attending events and classes when possible

IV. Celebrating  myself and others
• Sharing and celebrating my gifts, talents, and contributions with others
• Discovering other’s gifts, talents, and contributions
• Acknowledging and appreciating other’s gifts, talents and contributions
• V. Inspiring a spirit of service and giving among women
• Offering to participate, serve, and help other women 
• Asking for support and help for myself
• Preventing gossip or triangulation in relationships
• Giving financially to help others go further

V.Embracing our power by taking action to lead
• Acknowledging our strengths
• Building equal partnerships
• Learning to mentor, champion, and sponsor all women

To leave the list, send your request by email to: wunrn_listserve-request@lists.wunrn.com. Thank you.