Sexwork at NGBK - Photo: Jackie Baier
Sexwork at NGBK - Photo Credit: Jackie Baier

Germany: Berlin Exhibit Probes Sex Trade, Prostitution

Until 25 February: Works at government-funded gallery NGBK look at fast "love," its causes, impact

Some 35 international artists, including Berliner Antje Engelmann, American Patrick Angus and Mexico’s José Luis Cuevas, confront audiences at the NGBK art space in Kreuzberg with questions concerning trafficking and sex tourism, gay and transsexual prostitution, and the role that the rarely-mentioned, never-blamed figure known as "The John" plays in all of this. The works also criticize the often-times voyeuristic way in which serious studies on the subject portray prostitution. Until 25 February. (tbp, 16 Dec 2006)

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