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Virginity Testing
Virginity testing is a tool men in male-dominated societies use to put pressure on and control the lives and bodies of girls and young women. The women’s movement has fervently protested against this traditional practice, which violates a woman’s physical integrity and therefore Article 17 of the Turkish Constitution, for decades. As a result of this struggle, the Ministry of Justice issued Decree No. 27/123 banning virginity testing on individuals without their consent. Nonetheless, government officials continue to justify forced virginity testing through certain legislative decrees.

As an example, because the Ministry of Education Secondary Schools Awards and Disciplinary Regulations includes a “proven lack of chastity” among its reasons for expulsion from school, there have been widespread cases of depression and even suicide among female students whose school boards wanted them to receive virginity testing.

When in 2001 the Ministry of Health followed suit and added, in flagrant violation of the Ministry of Justice’s decree, an article (No. 41d) into its Healthcare Vocational School Awards and Disciplinary Regulations stating that “Prostitution, or proof of sexual intercourse” was cause for expulsion from formal education, a nationwide campaign against virginity testing was launched. Following this campaign, which drew international attention, the Ministry of Education removed the concept of ‘chastity’ from its Regulations. The Istanbul Bar Association’s Center for the Application of Women’s Rights filed a lawsuit against the Ministry of Health. The lawsuit remains unsettled and the Ministry of Health has not taken any steps to alter its regulations concerning Healthcare Vocational Schools.

Constitution of the Turkish Republic
Article 17.
Everyone possesses the right to life, to protect and develop his or her physical and mental existence. Excepting medical necessity and in legally prescribed cases, a person’s physical integrity shall not be breached; a person shall not be subjected to scientific or medical experiments against his or her will. No persons shall be subjected to torture or cruelty; no persons shall be subjected to punishment or treatment outside the bounds of human dignity.

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