UN Study focus of WUNRN
Juridical Aspects
A.1.International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights
   2.Conventions Related to Slavery
   2.Convention on the Rights of the Child
Factual Aspects
B.Women's Health
E.Right to Dignity
  1.Prostitution & Slavery
  2.Rape & Sexual Abuse










Trafficking is the fastest growing means by which people are forced into slavery. It affects every continent and most countries. In order to clarify how this trade is slavery and a violation of human rights, Anti-Slavery International has produced this Question and Answer sheet.

Question: What is trafficking? Is it slavery?

Human trafficking involves the movement of people through violence, deception or coercion for the purpose of forced labour, servitude or slavery-like practices.

It is slavery because traffickers use violence, threats, and other forms of coercion to force their victims to work against their will. This includes controlling their freedom of movement, where and when they will work and what pay, if any, they will receive.

Q: Where is trafficking found?
A: Trafficking is a global problem affecting every continent and most countries. It occurs within and across national borders and ranks as one of the most lucrative forms of international crime.

Q: How many people are trafficked?
A: It is impossible to know and statistics are difficult to obtain because trafficking is an underground activity. A US Government report published in 2004, estimates that 600,000-800,000 people worldwide are trafficked across borders each year. This figure does not include those who are trafficked internally.

Hundreds of women and children are trafficked each year to the UK. Research carried out for the Home Office in 2000 estimates that in one year, between 142 and 1,420 women are trafficked into the country; the figure may be higher as the research was based solely on reported cases.


Are only women trafficked?

A: No, men, women and children are all victims of trafficking; although the majority are women and children.

  Q: Are people only trafficked for prostitution?
A: No. People are trafficked into a variety of situations. For example, West African children are recruited into a range of exploitative work and transported illegally throughout the region; Chinese and Vietnamese women are trafficked to some Pacific islands as sweatshop labour making goods for the US market; men are trafficked from Mexico and forced to work on farms in the US.

Q: Why are people trafficked? Is it a new problem? What causes it?
A: The trafficking in human beings is not new. But it is a rapidly growing problem. A number of factors have led to its expansion, such as the easy profits made from exploitation; growing deprivation and marginalisation of the poor; discrimination against women; restrictive migration laws; a lack of information about the realities and dangers of trafficking and insufficient penalties against traffickers.

Q: Are trafficking and smuggling the same?
A: No. Trafficking and smuggling are not the same. Human trafficking involves deceiving or coercing someone to move -- either within a country or abroad through legal or illegal channels -- for the purpose of exploiting him or her.

Smuggling is assisting someone for a fee to cross a border illegally.

Q: What work is Anti-Slavery International doing on this issue?
A: In November 2001, Anti-Slavery International launched its campaign against human trafficking. We aim to draw attention to this global problem and call for national and international policy changes that will penalise traffickers, protect trafficked people's rights and address the root causes.

Please visit our campaigns page to find out more

Anti-Slavery International is also working to promote legislative and judicial policy changes which will help both to prosecute traffickers and protect the rights of the person trafficked (project summary). It is crucial that those who are trafficked are treated as the victims of a human rights violation and not as illegal migrants.

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