Amnesty International
Stop Violence Against Women

Culture, Community and Violence

In every part of the world, women’s roles and positions in society are prescribed. One of the key aspects of every culture is the way it defines gender roles. Almost without exception women are assigned to roles which are subservient to those of men. These roles are often enforced through violence.

Social and political institutions foster women’s subservience and violence against women. Certain cultural practices and traditions – particularly those related to ideas of purity and chastity -- are invoked to explain or excuse such violence. Virtually every culture in the world contains forms of violence against women that are nearly invisible because they are seen as “normal”.

Often, the behaviour of a woman is considered to reflect on her family and community. If a woman is seen to be defying her cultural role, she may be held to have brought shame and dishonour on her family and community. In such circumstances, violence or the threat of violence is used as a means of punishment and control. In the most extreme cases, this can result in permanent disfigurement and even death. So-called “honour” crimes are treated leniently in the legal codes of many countries.

Even in countries where laws criminalize violence against women, tolerance of violence may be found at all levels of society.

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