MisFortune 500 - WEDO

MisFortune 500 challenges corporate malfeasance against women worldwide and reclaims their rights to decent work, a clean and healthy environment, and access to quality public services, land, water and food.


MisFortune 500 is a parody of Fortune magazine’s annual listing of top profit-making companies. Instead of ranking ‘winners’ and ‘losers’, MisFortune 500 exposes corporate activities that violate women’s rights, threaten lives and livelihoods, and destroy the environment. MisFortune 500 documents women’s resistance and promotes corporate accountability.


MisFortune 500 is a project of Women’s Environment & Development Organization (WEDO), an international organization that advocates for women’s equality in global policy and seeks to empower women as decision-makers to achieve economic, social and gender justice, a healthy, peaceful planet and human rights for all. For more information contact info@misfortune500.org or wedo@wedo.org. 


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