Hungary - Council for Women’s and Men’s Social Equality Established

Contributed by: NANE Women's Rights Association, Hungary National VAW Monitor

On September 26, a Council for Women’s and Men’s Social Equality (Nők és Férfiak Társadalmi Egyenlősége Tanács) was established under the auspices of the Ministry of Social and Work Affairs. The event was hosted by State Secretary for Equal Opportunities, Edit Rauth. Gender specialists, NGOs, involved ministries also attended as well as Gordon Bajnai, head of National development Agency. 

The Council was created on the basis of government decree 1089/2006 (IX.25.). At the same time government decree 1059/1999 (V.28.) lost its validity, thus outlawing the former Women’s Representation Council (Nőképviseleti Tanács).  The re-creation of this new institution and the continuation of its work has an important function as securing equality between women and men is one of the main political agendas of the EU. Policy about gender equality compels member states to take concrete steps towards creating gender equality on the various walks of life including education, healthcare, employment, and social security.

Published in: A Nők és Férfiak Társadalmi Egyenlősége Tanács szeptember 26-i alakuló üléséről, Press release of the Ministry, 26 September 2006.

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