How do women leaders around the globe feel about today’s United Nations?

How are women working with current U.N. policies and programs?

How do women feel about today’s U.N. outreach… about U.N. efficiency with gender rights, rights of the girl-child and women’s equality?

Are leadership positions at the U.N. open to women?

How is the U.N. dealing with women in war? Women and trafficking?

Are women leaders currently involved in the sweeping changes at the U.N. with United Nations reform?

Radio producer Lys Anzia of Women News Network tries to answer these and many other questions in an amazing five women interview with Mavic Cabrera Balleza of the International Women’s Tribune Center, Charlotte Bunch founder and executive director of The Center for Women’s Global Leadership at Rutgers University, Samantha Cook of Peacewomen Project - Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom at the U.N., Margaret Picher American biographer and historian and Denise Scotto Vice-Chair of the United Nations NGO Committee on the Status of Women.

This show has been distributed and co-produced internationally to member stations on three continents through radio syndicate WINGS - Women’s International News Gathering Service. Reproduction rights, on-air rights, podcast or webpage use with permissions only.

For use permits or for more information contact Lys Anzia via: womennews2000 at
