The International Alliance for Women
TIAW - http://www.tiaw.org/daughters.asp

TIAW Daughters Program
Our Daughters, Our Destiny

The International Alliance of Women (TIAW) has adopted TIAW Daughters, a program targeting the daughters of the world. Because TIAW is a global organization, we are able to take TIAW Daughters to the Americas, Europe and Asia implementing programs aimed at preparing young women for financial independence.

What is TIAW Daughters?

TIAW Daughters is a global initiative of TIAW, its member networks, and other invited partners throughout the world. The primary objective of the program is to prepare young girls, ages 10-16, for financial independence. Secondarily, the program is designed to create a positive impact on the lives of millions of girls in the years to come, opening the doors for those girls to impact the lives of other girls.

Why was TIAW Daughters created?

Girls and young women face numerous challenges when it comes to financial and personal independence. Many young women, while realizing the importance of money and career, are poorly educated about the means and opportunities that can afford them this independence. As the technology boom has created a huge market for technology savvy young men and women, young girls are generally 'tech illiterates'…using computers for word processing only, while young boys are learning programming and other skills that earn higher incomes. In the US, even with gigantic strides made in recent years, the wage discrepancies between men and women still pose a problem. Women earn approximately 74 cents for every dollar earned by men, garnering women a lifetime loss of some $250,000. And 3 out of 4 working women earn less than $25,000 a year, and 9 out of 10 working women earn less than $40,000 per year. Since women statistically live longer than men, the earnings gap causes an alarming hardship when it comes to retirement savings, according to a study by POWER (The Program on Women’s Education for Retirement).

What is the real benefit of TIAW Daughters?

By educating these girls about money, technology, and career, and providing them with role models and mentors, the initiative will develop a new breed of strong, professional women. TIAW Daughters prepares girls to create their own paths with the tools used during the program. Having mastered these tools, TIAW Daughters create their destinies – and ours: preparing for a career and becoming financially independent.

The TIAW Daughters Model

In a Newsweek edition published in 1999, “Health for Life” celebrated the important passages of life from one generation of women to the next. Through illustrative examples, modern women are influencing their daughters in positive ways. In support of this kind of mentoring, TIAW created a model program to inspire and encourage young women to expand their views of themselves, igniting their curiosities, and driving them to excel beyond their dreams. Why? Because research shows that with a higher education, the young woman marries later, has fewer children and is more likely to develop the skills needed for independence.

TIAW Daughters is a multi-phase initiative. After a kickoff program for the organizers prospective mentors, and the program's daughters, the four part discussion/workshop series encourages the girls’ active participation in topic areas including:

The discussion panels feature local businesswomen with expertise on given topics who also possess an ability to connect with and motivate the girls. After each discussion panel is a Q & A period, followed by individual discussions with panelists and planning for one-on-one mentoring sessions. Surveys are also conducted, both prior to program commencement and upon completion, to explore the program goals, skill levels, program content and resulting benefits.

TIAW Daughters is a TIAW initiative where connecting to make all the difference in the world is essential.

Together we can make a difference. Intrigued?

To learn more about this wonderful program contact Maxine Westaway, Executive Director at mwestaway@tiaw.org or call (866) 533-8429

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